
Ægon – Unleash the Power of the Iso-Belt

Champion Breakdown

About Ægon

Character Class: Skill

Brief Overview: Ægon, a masterful gladiator, brings unmatched ferocity and resilience to Marvel Contest of Champions. Defined by his extensive Combo Meter abilities, he grows stronger with every hit, capable of unleashing devastating attacks the longer a fight continues. His unique abilities make him an indomitable force on the battlefield.

Ægon Origin: Originating from Marvel Contest of Champions, Ægon was born to a pacifist race but defied his people's nonviolent traditions to become a gladiator and win the Contest of Champions. His victory came at a great cost, losing his arm and his beloved. Now, armed with the Iso-Belt, Ægon wields immense willpower constructs, making him a compelling addition to the game.

Lore Background

Ægon History: Ægon's journey from a pacifist race enslaved by the Master of the first Contest of Champions to a determined gladiator is a tale of love, sacrifice, and perseverance. His victory in the Contest led to the loss of his arm and beloved, making him an outcast. The Iso-Belt, his prize, grants him phantom limb abilities and immense willpower constructs, fueling his relentless combat prowess.

Personality Traits: Ægon's unyielding determination and resilience are central to his character. These traits translate into his fighting style, emphasizing relentless pressure and sustained combat effectiveness. His ability to grow stronger with each successive hit reflects his indomitable spirit.

Ægon's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Tenacity, Combo Shield, Fury, Bleed, Stun. Ægon's gameplay centers around building and maintaining his Combo Meter to unlock a suite of powerful passive abilities, transforming his combat style as the combo count rises.

  • Light Attacks: Quick, successive hits designed to efficiently build Ægon's Combo Meter.

  • Medium Attacks: Harder-hitting attacks that help maintain and build the Combo Meter.

  • Heavy Attacks: Powerful strikes that also grant 1 second of Unstoppable when charged (unlockable at 50 Combo Meter hits), critical for landing significant damage and maintaining combos.

  • Passive Abilities:

    • Increases in Critical Rating per Combo Meter hit
    • Combo Meter unlocks various abilities like shrugging off debuffs, becoming Unstoppable, and striking even while the opponent is blocking
    • Reduces opponent's Block Proficiency and ignores Auto Block and Evade at higher Combo Meter levels

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: ISO Discharge - Ægon releases energy from his phantom limb in multiple hits, efficiently building the Combo Meter.
  2. Special 2: Spear of the Forsaken - A series of slashes dealing substantial Bleed damage, enhanced by the Combo Meter.
  3. Special 3: Beyond Limits - Overcharges the Iso-belt, delivering a stunning blow with increasing stun duration based on the Combo Meter.

Signature Ability: Ægon retains 65% of his final Combo Meter into a Persistent Combo, up to 999 hits, which is critical for maintaining high damage output and unlocking advanced abilities across multiple fights. Awakening his signature ability significantly enhances his capability to sustain high damage and effectiveness over extended quests.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Ægon's basic attacks to quickly build up his Combo Meter, unlocking critical passive abilities. Focus on avoiding hits to maintain the Combo Meter and leverage Special Attacks to maximize damage and control over the fight.

Advanced Techniques: Mastering Ægon involves efficient use of his Heavy Attacks for Unstoppable buffs and Combo Shields at key moments. Timing Special 3 for extended stuns opens windows for heavy damage output.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Ægon can be challenging due to the need to maintain his Combo Meter. Prioritize learning his attack patterns and pacing to avoid taking hits. Advanced players should exploit his Combo Meter abilities for relentless offense.

Team Composition: Choosing teammates that provide synergies enhancing Fury potency or granting Combo Shields can significantly amplify Ægon's effectiveness.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. David and Goliath: The Champion - +20% Attack Rating while fighting larger (Ægon) or smaller (The Champion) champions.
  2. Combo Breakers: Proxima Midnight, Star-Lord - Activates Combo Shield for 5 seconds when losing the Combo Meter, once per fight.
  3. Warriors of the Stars: Angela, Proxima Midnight, Captain Marvel - +25% Potency to Fury effects.
  4. Friends: Sentry - Guarantees Ægon's next hit will be a Critical Hit with Well-Timed Blocks.

Countering Ægon

Counter Tactics: Disrupt Ægon's Combo Meter by forcing him into situations where he can be hit. Utilize champions with Unblockable or Glancing abilities to negate his critical hits and slow his momentum.

Ægon Counters:

  1. Unblockable Champions: Champions with Unblockable attacks deftly rest Ægon's Combo Meter, hindering his potential.
  2. Glancing Champions: Champions like Ant-Man who reduce the effectiveness of critical hits significantly impair Ægon's damage output.


Final Thoughts: Ægon is a formidable warrior whose strengths lie in sustained combat and an ever-growing Combo Meter. His unique abilities, rooted in his tragic backstory, make him a valuable asset for any player's roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Explore Ægon's potential by experimenting with different team compositions and mastery setups. Mastering Ægon can yield devastating results, unlocking his full potential in the Contest of Champions.