
Carnage – The Ultimate Symbiotic Menace

Champion Breakdown

About Carnage

Character Class: Cosmic

Brief Overview: Carnage, the formidable foe born from the twisted mind of Cletus Kasady and amplified by the savage Venom Symbiote, brings unparalleled chaos to Marvel Contest of Champions. Known for his relentless aggression, this cosmic class champion excels in bleeding his foes dry, utilizing his monstrous abilities to mutate and adapt mid-battle, ensuring no opponent is safe from his wrath.

Carnage Origin: Carnage’s origin rests in the dark corners of Marvel Comics. Created as a chaotic counterpart to Venom, Cletus Kasady bonded with a spawn of the Venom Symbiote during a prison break. This merging created a killing machine whose acts of violence are legendary. His chaotic essence and unpredictable nature make him a perfect addition to the MCoC roster.

Lore Background

Carnage History: Cletus Kasady, from an early age, was a psychotic and deprived individual. In prison, he shared a cell with Eddie Brock, the original Venom. It was during a prison break that a fragment of the Venom Symbiote bonded with Kasady, transforming him into Carnage. This fusion of Kasady’s insanity with the Symbiote’s power has led to countless killing sprees, marking Carnage as one of Spider-Man’s most fearsome adversaries.

Personality Traits: Carnage is defined by pure insanity and an insatiable bloodlust. These traits make him incredibly volatile and difficult to predict in combat. His fighting style is aggressive and wild, utilizing his symbiotic abilities to overwhelm and brutally dismantle his opponents.

Carnage's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Resist Physical, Precision, Fury, Cruelty, Bleed

Basic Attacks: Carnage’s basic attacks are a mix of quick strikes, each designed to inflict maximum damage and potential bleeding:

  • Light Attack: Swift, rapid strikes that gain +998.5 Critical Rate.
  • Medium Attack: More forceful attacks with additional +391.6 to Attack.
  • Heavy Attack: Devastating blows that inflict Bleed, dealing 538.45 damage over 10 seconds and boosting Critical Damage Rate by +1508.77.

Passive and Active Abilities:

  • Struck: +998.5 Physical Resistance.
  • Block: +998.5 Block Proficiency.
  • Critical Hits: 80% chance to inflict Bleed on already bleeding targets.
  • Mutations: Activates during Special Attacks, creating adaptable buffs.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Frenzied Assault - Carnage hurls himself at his opponent with limbs and tentacles, benefiting from +998.5 additional Critical Rate. This attack hits multiple times, making it ideal for stacking Bleed effects.
  2. Special 2: Rabid Onslaught - Carnage propels himself at his target using his tentacles, striking with massive claws and gaining +1529.33 Critical Damage Rating.
  3. Special 3: Aberrant Soul - Utilizing tentacles to immobilize his opponent, Carnage ensures maximum suffering with a 100% chance to cause Bleed, dealing 3671.25 direct damage over 20 seconds.

Signature Ability: Bloodlust Activated by the presence of blood, this ability grants Carnage up to +19.99% increased Power Gain when the opponent is bleeding. The effect intensifies the longer the opponent has been continuously bleeding, reaching its peak after 20 seconds. Awakening this ability significantly boosts Carnage’s effectiveness, making his ramp-up quicker and more devastating.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Take advantage of Carnage’s ability to stack Bleed effects and ramp up mutations. His aggression should be channeled into quick, relentless attacks that maximize Critical and Bleed damage. Start with basic attacks to apply initial Bleeds before unleashing Special Attacks to stack additional buffs and Bleeds.

Advanced Techniques: Focus on timing your Heavy Attacks to maintain Bleed effects, which fuel your Special 3’s massive damage potential. Use Special 1 to quickly ramp up Critical Hits and Bleed stacks. Integrate dodging and blocking perfectly to build up and maintain mutations for offensive or defensive advantages.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery:

  • Deep Wounds: Extends the duration of Bleeds, making short-duration Bleeds from critical hits more lethal.
  • Block Proficiency: Balances out Carnage’s aggressive playstyle by reducing damage taken during parries.
  • Willpower: Offers sustained health regeneration from debuffs, ensuring Carnage can survive longer fights.

Team Composition: Carnage synergizes well with champions who can either inflict debuffs or benefit from his offensive buffs.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Shared Genetic Memory: Venom – Both gain +1 to their maximum number of Genetic Memory or Hyper Mutation Buffs.
  2. Enemies: Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force) – All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
  3. Nemesis: Spider-Man – All Champions gain +6% Attack.
  4. Family: Spider-Man (Symbiote), Agent Venom, Venompool – All Champions gain +6% Health.

Countering Carnage

Counter Tactics: To counter Carnage, prioritize champions who can nullify or ignore his buffs and Bleeds. Focus on outlasting his initial barrage while managing his accumulating power effectively.

Carnage Counters:

  1. Doctor Strange: Nullify Carnage’s buffs and use Counterspell to disrupt his momentum.
  2. Ronan: Exploit Carnage’s high number of buffs for stuns and heavy damage.
  3. Doctor Voodoo: Convert Carnage’s buffs into Poison with Special 1 or prevent buff generation and power gain with other abilities.


Final Thoughts: Carnage is a fearsome, relentless champion who excels in rapidly stacking Bleeds and overwhelming his opponents. His unique mechanics and aggressive playstyle make him a valuable addition to any player's roster, especially when leveraging his mutations and buffs effectively.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the chaos Carnage brings to the battlefield. Experiment with different strategies and team compositions to fully unlock his potential, finding your unique way to revel in the symbiotic carnage.