
Gorr – The God-Butcher

Champion Breakdown

About Gorr

Character Class: Cosmic

Brief Overview: Gorr the God-Butcher is a relentless and vengeful warrior wielding the powerful Necrosword. With his control over dark magic and shadowy constructs, Gorr inflicts a variety of devastating debuffs, making him a formidable opponent for any who dare call themselves gods. His gameplay mechanics revolve around stacking various damaging debuffs and buffs, making him a versatile and dangerous champion.

Gorr's Origin: Gorr hails from Marvel Comics, where he emerged as a tragic character turned vengeful god-slayer. Disillusioned by the gods' failure to save his family, he embraced the destructive power of the Necrosword to wreak havoc on all divine beings.

Lore Background

Gorr's History: Gorr's life began on a harsh world where faith in the gods was a cornerstone of survival. However, after losing his family to the planet's merciless conditions, Gorr renounced his faith and swore vengeance against the gods. The acquisition of the Necrosword bestowed immense powers upon him, transforming him into the God-Butcher, dedicated to annihilating all deities.

Personality Traits: Gorr is driven by a singular purpose: vengeance. His profound hatred for gods fuels his relentless pursuit of their destruction. This deep-seated rage translates into his aggressive fighting style, where he shows no mercy and employs ruthless tactics to achieve his goals.

Gorr's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Viscera Magic, Venom Magic, Volt Magic, Regeneration
Gorr’s basic abilities enable him to inflict several debuffs: Bleed, Poison, and Shock. His fighting style involves a combination of light, medium, and heavy attacks that maximize the utility of both buffs and debuffs.

Light Attacks: Sequential strikes build up to unlock Shadow Magic buffs.
Medium Attacks: When combined with Shadow Magic, inflict corresponding debuffs (Bleed, Poison, Shock).
Heavy Attacks: Can trigger a Power Gain Buff if the opponent has at least 20 damaging debuffs, speeding up access to Special 3.

Basic Abilities

  • Passive and Active Basic Abilities:
    • Immune to Heal Block: Gorr can't be affected by Heal Block debuffs.
    • Vicious Buffs from Willpower Mastery: Each rank in Willpower converts to a Vicious Buff, enhancing damage over time.
    • Heresy Stacks: Earned by defeating #Elder or #God champions, enhancing Gorr’s abilities.

Special Attacks

  1. Special Attack 1 – Slicing Darkness: Pauses Shadow Magic buffs, allowing for strategic timing and accumulation.
  2. Special Attack 2 – Grasping at Shadows: Grants Fury Buffs based on unique debuffs on the opponent, significantly amplifying attack power.
  3. Special Attack 3 – Godbomb: Activates and pauses all Shadow Magic buffs, scaling damage based on existing debuffs and Heresy stacks.

Signature Ability

Godhunter: Grants an Undermine Buff with each new Shadow Magic Buff, allowing Gorr to bypass Auto-Blocks. Increases debuff durations and boosts Heresy acquisition, making the signature ability crucial for maximizing damage and strategic options.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Gorr’s ability to stack various debuffs quickly. Focus on deploying Special Attack 1 to manage Shadow Magic buffs effectively while using Special Attack 2 to boost damage significantly with Fury Buffs for tougher battles.

Advanced Techniques: Optimize timing of heavy attacks to trigger power gains at critical moments. Cycle through Shadow Magic buffs to stack multiple debuffs and maximize damage output, especially before deploying Special Attack 3 for devastating effects.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Mastering Gorr involves understanding the rotational sequence of his Shadow Magic buffs and debuffs. Constantly manage these to keep the opponent overwhelmed with status effects.

Team Composition: Gorr pairs well with champions that can provide additional synergy bonuses, particularly those that complement his aggressive debuff-centric playstyle.

Synergy Bonuses

  1. Deicide: Thor, Thor (Ragnarok), Thor (Jane Foster)
    • Gorr: Increases Shadow Magic buff duration.
  2. Blood and Gorr: Hercules, Sersi, Ikaris
    • Gorr: Reduces Poison recovery reduction effectiveness.
  3. Death to Valhalla: Mangog
    • Gorr: Gains True Damage Buff when stacking debuffs.
  4. Consuming Darkness: Knull
    • Gorr: Heavy hits grant Vicious Buff.
  5. Nemesis: Loki, Odin, Hela, Heimdall
    • All Champions: +5% Attack.

Countering Gorr

Counter Tactics: Utilize champions with nullify or resistance to debuffs to limit Gorr’s effectiveness. Managing his Shadow Magic buffs with neutralize abilities will significantly hinder his damage potential.

Gorr Counters

  1. Doctor Strange: Constantly nullifies Gorr’s buffs.
  2. Mephisto: Immune to Poison and reduces overall debuff effectiveness.
  3. Red Hulk: Absorbs incinerated debuffs and reduces Poison, Shock damage.


Final Thoughts: Gorr the God-Butcher is a formidable addition to any roster, excelling in dealing continuous and varied debuff damage. His unique mechanics offer a blend of strategic depth and raw power, especially against god and elder-type opponents.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players are encouraged to experiment with Gorr, discovering optimal rotations and synergies that best suit their play style. His versatility and unique skill set promise a rewarding experience for those willing to master his abilities.