
Jubilee – Unleashing the Power of Pyrotechnics

Champion Breakdown

About Jubilee

Character Class: Mutant
Brief Overview: Jubilee, also known as Jubilation Lee, brings explosive energy to the battlefield with her dazzling mutant abilities. Harnessing the power of fireworks, she can manipulate her surroundings to damage foes, control their power, and ensure that they think twice before attacking. Known for her agility and quick reflexes, Jubilee is not just a fighter; she's a force of nature with unparalleled utility.

Jubilee Origin: Initially a character from Marvel Comics, Jubilee made her debut in 1989 and has since become a beloved member of the X-Men. Her arc in the comics gave her a unique backstory that translates beautifully into her gameplay in MCoC, emphasizing her vibrant personality and explosive abilities.

Lore Background

Jubilee History: Jubilee's journey began as a privileged girl living in a wealthy family until the tragic assassination of her parents left her alone. Upon discovering her pyrokinetic abilities, she sought refuge with the X-Men, finding a new family and purpose. Her narrative of perseverance and growth is reflected in her dynamic playstyle.

Personality Traits: Jubilee embodies a blend of youthful exuberance and fierce determination. She's playful and defiant, often likened to a spark who promises both entertainment and danger. This spirited nature translates into her combat style, which can mix agility with devastating effects.

Jubilee's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Fireworks, Shock, Taunt, Slow, Incinerate, Suppression, Concussion
Jubilee's basic attacks make use of her vibrant energy powers, allowing her to deal energy damage instead of physical. Her ability to rotate through Fireworks colors gives her a unique strategic advantage in combat.

  • Light Attacks: Quick strikes that have a chance to apply Prowess Buffs.
  • Medium Attacks: Enhanced attack speed with a reliable burst of energy damage.
  • Heavy Attacks: Charges her Prowess and benefits from all Firework Surge mechanics.

Passive Abilities:

  • Mutation: Basic Attacks deal Energy Damage.
  • Fireworks: Rotate through Orange, Pink, and Blue Fireworks to manipulate opponents’ abilities.
  • Prowess Application: Chance to apply Prowess Buffs during combat.

Active Abilities:

  • Firework Surge: Grants bonuses when hitting or blocking based on the active Firework.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Strengths: Versatile utility with the ability to cause debuffs, control enemy power, and deliver effective damage.
  • Weaknesses: Vulnerable against opponents with strong Energy Resistance and debuff immunity.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Somersault Strike - Gains a Firework Surge and applies debuffs based on the color active, enhancing her damage or ensuring enemy penalties.

  2. Special 2: Zippity Zapper - Launches a powerful surge of energy, inflicting strong debuffs that diminish opponents’ combat effectiveness.

  3. Special 3: Showstopper - Consumes Prowess effects and grants additional passive buffs that amplify special attack damage, ideal for extended fights.

Signature Ability: Princess of Pyrotechnics - Jubilee’s explosive nature comes alive; she deals burst damage each time her opponent experiences a debuff or purifies one. Awakened, her signature ability significantly boosts her damage potential, especially in longer encounters.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Effective use of Jubilee involves mastering her Firework rotations and timing debuff applications. Players should prioritize keeping Jubilee in a Firework Surge to maximize damage and control.

Advanced Techniques: Master the use of her heavy attacks to cycle through Fireworks efficiently, and always aim to stock up Prowess before launching Special Attacks for maximum effect.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on maximizing Attack Rating to enhance Jubilee's damage output through her passive abilities. Glass Cannon Mastery strategically benefits her due to her reliance on damage multipliers.

Team Composition: Jubilee pairs well with champions that amplify her energy damage or manage debuffs.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • Petite: Gambit, Rogue – 20% Prowess Potency.
  • You’re Tangling with the Wrong X-Men: Cyclops (Blue Team), Phoenix – +900 Energy Resistance.
  • All Adamantium and Attitude: Wolverine – +15% Attack Rating while using Orange Fireworks.
  • The Lucky One: Longshot, Mojo – Prowess passive gains when opponents’ abilities fail.
  • Execute Target Acquisition Subroutine: Sentinel – Lower Special Attack costs while utilizing Pink Fireworks.
  • Deal With It: Doctor Octopus, Falcon, Hawkeye, Hit-Monkey – +10% Max Health.

Countering Jubilee

Counter Tactics: Focus on champions who can nullify or resist energy damage. Champions with strong physical damage capabilities can exploit Jubilee's reliance on Energy Damage and dispel her debuffs.

Jubilee Counters:

  1. Doctor Doom: Use his unique mechanics to mitigate Jubilee's energy-based attacks and turn the tide of battle.
  2. Magneto: His ability to absorb energy makes him effective against Jubilee's skill set.
  3. Iron Man (Infinity War): Can withstand her burst damage and retaliate effectively.


Final Thoughts: Jubilee stands out with her unique energy manipulation and powerful burst abilities. Her versatility and vibrant style make her a valuable addition to any roster, especially for players who enjoy strategic gameplay.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into Jubilee's explosive arsenal, and don’t hesitate to explore her potential in both offensive and defensive strategies. Find what unique methods work best for you, and light up the battlefield with her fireworks!