Kate Bishop

Kate Bishop – The Perfect Precision Archer

Champion Breakdown

About Kate Bishop

Character Class: Skill

Brief Overview: Kate Bishop, inspired by the heroics of Hawkeye during the Battle of New York, showcases an impressive arsenal of archery skills complemented with unique trick arrows. Her playstyle revolves around space control, passive damage over time, and precise counterattacks. Kate’s mechanics emphasize her ability to stack powerful effects from her trick arrows, which she can maintain indefinitely with practiced techniques.

Kate Bishop Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, Kate Bishop is the protégé of Hawkeye. Her journey into becoming a superhero began after witnessing Hawkeye's bravery, leading her to master archery, swordplay, and combat skills. She's integrated into MCoC as a formidable and strategic Skill class champion.

Lore Background

Kate Bishop History: Kate Bishop’s evolution into a superhero was significantly influenced by witnessing the Battle of New York. Her determination to emulate Hawkeye saw her not only mastering various combat techniques but also teaming up with her idol. Over the years, she learned the intricate secrets of trick arrows, further establishing her place among the superheroes.

Personality Traits: Kate is characterized by her determination, strategic mindset, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Her wit and resourcefulness translate directly into her in-game abilities, where precision and strategic timing are pivotal.

Kate Bishop's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Coldsnap, Tranquilize, Counterattack, Caltrops, Fragility

Kate Bishop's gameplay is all about controlling the battlefield with her trick arrows, evading attacks, and punishing opponents heavily. Here are her move sets and how they function:

  • Light Attack: Quick precision arrow shots adding to her combo meter.
  • Medium Attack: Strong directed shots that push opponents back.
  • Heavy Attack: Knockbacks which maintain control of the battlefield.

Unordered list of passive and active basic abilities:

  • Riposte! (With An Arrow): On personal Evades, inflicts a Passive Stun for 3 seconds.
  • Dialed In: Activating a Perfect Release bonus grants indefinite Dialed In Passive, increasing Trick Arrow duration by 10%.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Trick Arrow Volley – Fires a multitude of trick arrows, enhancing damage and effects.
  2. Special 2: Precision Strike – A more powerful strategic shot that applies trick arrows and Passive Stun.
  3. Special 3: Ultimate Arrow Barrage – Gain a non-stacking Cruelty Passive and, with Perfect Release, a Precision Passive.

Signature Ability: World’s Greatest Archer
Increases max stacks for Dialed In Passives, enhancing Trick Arrow effects potency by 15% and pausing Trick Arrow effects when striking the opponent's block. Awakening her signature ability significantly boosts her effectiveness, making it easier to maintain Trick Arrow effects and increasing their impact.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize her trick arrows to control the pace of the fight, keep opponents at bay, and apply continuous damage over time. Master the Perfect Release mechanic to maximize her Trick Arrow effects and maintain their uptime.

Advanced Techniques:

  • Leveraging her Passive Stuns to create windows for charging and launching Heavy Attacks.
  • Perfect Timing with Special attacks to ensure maximum stacks and effectiveness of Trick Arrows.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Practice the timing of Perfect Release to enhance her Trick Arrow effects, as mastering this mechanic is crucial to her effectiveness.

Team Composition: Kate works well with champions providing complementary synergy bonuses, enhancing her Trick Arrow potency and providing overall team benefits.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Don’t Call Me Princess: America Chavez - Increases Trick Arrows stack limit by 1.
  2. Partners: Hawkeye, Ronin - Adds Dialed In Passives and increases personal Disorient effects on Ronin.
  3. Ice Queens: Emma Frost, Elsa Bloodstone, Misty Knight, Iceman - Inflicts Frostbite Passive when evades fail due to Coldsnap.
  4. Young Avengers: Wiccan, Hulkling, America Chavez, Loki, Cassie Lang - Provides +5% Combat Power Rate and +500 Block Proficiency.
  5. Heavy Responsibilities: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) - Accelerates Heavy Attack Fury Buffs and reduces Heavy Charge time for Kate.

Countering Kate Bishop

Counter Tactics: Exploit her susceptibility to unstoppable and stun immunity. Focus on champions who can bypass or resist her Coldsnap and Bleed effects.

Kate Bishop Counters:

  1. Bishop: Utilizing his ability to stop Purify and Evade.
  2. Storm: By capitalizing on her Passive Stun and Debuff prevention.
  3. Storm X: Similarly capitalizes on Debuff prevention mechanics.


Final Thoughts: Kate Bishop is a versatile and strategic addition to any player's roster. Her control over the battlefield, combined with precision-based abilities, ensures that she is both a formidable aggressor and a defensive stalwart.

Encouragement to Experiment: Leverage Kate’s unique abilities and find creative ways to maximize her effectiveness in various encounters. Her skill ceiling offers rewarding gameplay for players willing to master her mechanics.