
Korg – The Invincible Rock Star of Contest

Champion Breakdown

About Korg

Character Class: Skill
Brief Overview: Meet Korg, the good-natured, rock-based powerhouse from the Marvel universe! As an unyielding defender, Korg harnesses unique abilities like Crowd Excitement and Rock Shield to become a formidable opponent in battle. With a playful demeanor and a rock-solid strategy, Korg brings a blend of humor and strength that's hard to overlook.

Korg Origin: Korg hails from the mighty Rahn, a planet featuring an astonishing array of rock-based lifeforms. Initially appearing in the planet's comic arcs, Korg has now carved out a spot in the Marvel Contest of Champions, showcasing his traits in defending against the fiercest of foes.

Lore Background

Korg History: Korg's journey began in the comics as part of the "Thor" saga, where he emerged as a gladiator and ally to characters like Thor and Miek. His evolution as a character through various battles and alliances has paved the way for his inclusion in MCoC, where fans can experience his unique fighting style and confront a beloved character at their fingertips.

Personality Traits: Korg reflects a blend of joviality and resilience. He values friendship and cherishes companionship with Miek, which typifies his fighting style by involving others in his techniques. His ability to take a hit while making light of the situation exemplifies his characteristic charisma.

Korg's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities:
Rock Anatomy, Crowd Excitement, Rock Shield, Unstoppable

Korg delivers powerful strikes with moves that highlight his rocky physique.

  • Light Attack: Quick jabs that can connect with enemies, dealing minimal damage.
  • Medium Attack: Stronger hits that disrupt opponents and keep the pressure.
  • Heavy Attack: A mighty slam featuring Miek, delivering significant damage and inflicting Armor Break.

Strengths: Korg excels in defensive play, dealing damage even when hit thanks to his unique mechanics.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to energy-based attacks, Korg’s defenses can crumble against the right opposition.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Rock Anatomy: Immunity to Bleed, Shock, and added Critical Resistance; -20% Energy Resistance.
  • Crowd Excitement: Charge up to four, granting Korg unstoppable and unblockable status.
  • Rock Shield: Absorbs damage when activated; consumes charges upon being hit.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1 – Hey, take it easy man!: An unblockable hit if Crowd Excitement > 1, disables evasion techniques.
  2. Special 2 – Rocknado: Provides +4296 Attack Rating for 2.5 seconds and inflicts Bleed, dealing 3938 damage over 8 seconds.
  3. Special 3 – Friendly Fire: Increases Crowd Excitement by 9 for 20 seconds, enhancing his attacking capacity.

Signature Ability: Rock Hard Thorns
When Korg is struck while his Rock Shield is active, he retaliates with 5012.62 Physical Damage. His ability to shrug off debuffs increases his survivability, with a sizable chance for Rock Shield charges to replenish.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Korg is best utilized as an effective defender with strategies that promote blocking and counter-attacking. Utilize Crowd Excitement charges wisely to maximize his Unstoppable and unblockable states.

Advanced Techniques: Learning to time his Heavy Attack after blocking effectively activates Crowd Excitement, allowing players to both defend and deal damage simultaneously.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on mastering Korg’s frustratingly fun defensive skillset. Prioritize “Thorns” enhancements to maximize retaliatory damage while leveraging Korg’s Rock Shield to absorb hits.

Team Composition: Korg synergizes with heroes that can withstand energy damage while benefiting from defensive buffs.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • Pit Fighters: Thor (Ragnarok), +15% Attack Rating and Fury Buff.
  • Grandmaster’s Champions: Hulk (Ragnarok), improved Crowd Excitement duration.
  • Elemental Hide: Iceman, buff against damage during shield reform.

Countering Korg

Counter Tactics: Use champions with energy attacks to bypass Rock Shield and consistently inflict damage. Avoid utilizing champions reliant on Dexterity to dodge attacks, as Korg capitalizes on that playstyle.


  1. Bishop: Resilient against Korg, Bishop can consistently deal energy damage and keep pressure up.
  2. Magneto: His energy-based attacks entirely sidestep Korg's defenses.
  3. Doctor Strange: Effective through spell damage, easily turning the tide against Korg.


Final Thoughts: Korg stands out as a uniquely challenging yet enjoyable champion within MCoC. His defensive capabilities combined with entertaining mechanics make him a must-have for players looking to fortify their roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive in with Korg; uncover diverse strategies and find your unique style to maximize his strengths. Whether using defensive tactics or unleashing chaotic damage, there’s fun in every rocky punch!