Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) – The Inhuman Heroine with Massive Power Potential

Champion Breakdown

About Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)

Character Class: Cosmic

Brief Overview: Ms. Marvel, also known as Kamala Khan, is a self-proclaimed superhero nerd who gained her abilities from the Terrigen Mists. As a young Inhuman, she can stretch and alter her form, making her a formidable fighter with the ability to gain numerous Fury Buffs and Nullify her opponent’s buffs using her Special Attacks.

Ms. Marvel Origin: Kamala Khan's journey began in the pages of Marvel Comics. She made her debut in "Captain Marvel #14" (August 2013) and became the new Ms. Marvel in her own ongoing series. Her transformation into a superhero happened when the Terrigen Mists activated her Inhuman DNA.

Lore Background

Ms. Marvel History: Kamala Khan’s story is one of growth and admiration. Inspired by her idol, Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Kamala took up the mantle of Ms. Marvel to protect her community. Her battles and experiences reflect her youthful exuberance and dedication to justice. Significant events, such as her struggle to balance her normal life and hero duties, shape her character in MCoC.

Personality Traits: Kamala’s personality is marked by her optimism, tenacity, and nerdy enthusiasm. This shines through in her fighting style, where her wide-ranging powers allow her to adapt quickly to combat scenarios, much like her idol, Captain Marvel. Her abilities reflect her versatile and enthusiastic nature.

Ms. Marvel's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Fury, Nullify

Ms. Marvel’s primary focus in combat is to build up Fury Buffs to maximize her damage output while using her Special Attacks to Nullify enemy buffs.

  • Light Attacks: Quick successive hits that can build up Fury stacks.

  • Medium Attacks: Harder hits that bridge combos to her more powerful moves.

  • Heavy Attacks: Charging her Heavy Attack continuously gains stacks of Fury to enhance her attack power significantly but requires precise timing to avoid losing these buffs by being hit.

  • Passive Abilities:

    • Full immunity to Poison.
    • Improves Block Proficiency for each active Fury effect.
  • Active Abilities:

    • Gains stacks of Fury with her Heavy Attacks.
    • Nullifies opponent's buffs when she has 3 or more Fury stacks during Special Attacks.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: "Elastic Punch" - This attack can trigger up to 4 stacks of Fury, increasing attack power for a short duration. Best used for quick Fury accumulation and Nullification of buffs.

  2. Special 2: "Fist of Fury" - Provides a high chance to gain a significant Fury Buff, ideal for a power-focused strategy where building and maintaining Fury is crucial.

  3. Special 3: "Infinite Powers" - Offers a high chance to grant a permanent Fury effect, greatly boosting Ms. Marvel’s sustained damage capabilities.

Signature Ability: Morphogenetics

  • Always Active: Enhances Fury durations by 8 seconds and increases Fury effects' potency by 10%. Awakening this ability solidifies her damage output without relying extensively on Heavy Attacks and Special Attacks.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Ms. Marvel’s Fury Buffs to ramp up her damage. Focus on building Fury through Heavy Attacks and chaining into Special Attacks to Nullify enemy buffs. Aim to maintain Fury Buffs without being struck.

Advanced Techniques: Master the timing of Heavy Attacks to secure maximum Fury stacks. Use Special 1 often for quick Nullification. For longer fights, leverage Special 3 for the permanent Fury effect, significantly enhancing your damage over time.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery:

  • Liquid Courage: Beneficial as Ms. Marvel is immune to Poison, negating its negative effects.
  • Stupefy: Extending Stun durations helps in heavily charging up Fury Buffs with Heavy Attacks.
  • Extended/Enhanced Fury: Strengthens Ms. Marvel’s core ability by boosting and extending her Fury Buffs.

Team Composition: Kamala Khan works well with teams that enhance her existing abilities. Synergies that provide bonuses to her attack and health are advantageous.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Idol:
    • Captain Marvel (Classic), Ms. Marvel: All Champions gain +4% Health & Attack.
  2. Teammates:
    • Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Thor (Jane Foster), Vision: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.

Countering Ms. Marvel

Counter Tactics: Use Mystic Champions to Nullify Ms. Marvel’s Buffs directly, cutting off her primary power source. Nodes that exploit her need for Buffs can be leveraged as well.

Ms. Marvel Counters:

  1. Doctor Strange: Regularly Nullifies Buffs, reducing her damage potential sharply.
  2. Scarlet Witch: High chance to Nullify Buffs and apply chaotic debuffs, disrupting Kamala's flow.
  3. Symbiote Supreme: Innate ability to nullify and feed off Buffs renders him a difficult opponent for Ms. Marvel.


Final Thoughts: Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) is a powerful and adaptable Cosmic champion. Her ability to gain multiple Fury Buffs and Nullify opponent buffs makes her a versatile and formidable hero in the Battlerealm. Her strengths lie in her damage potential and adaptability, which makes her a valuable addition to any roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Test out different strategies with Ms. Marvel to find the playstyle that maximizes her abilities. Experimenting with various team compositions and mastery setups will help unleash her full potential in combat.

Test your skills with Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) and harness her impressive powers to dominate the Battlerealm!