
Psylocke – The Telekinetic Assassin

Champion Breakdown

About Psylocke

Character Class: Mutant

Brief Overview: Elizabeth “Betsy” Braddock, known as Psylocke, wields formidable telepathic and telekinetic abilities. A skilled assassin whose body and mind were altered by the sinister Hand, she is both a powerful mutant hero and a deadly ninja warrior. Psylocke’s blend of psychic prowess and martial artistry make her a unique and versatile champion in Marvel Contest of Champions (MCoC).

Psylocke Origin: Psylocke originates from Marvel Comics, where she first appeared in Captain Britain #8 (1976). Her unique origin story and subsequent transformation by the Hand provide rich context to her inclusion in MCoC.

Lore Background

Psylocke History: Psylocke, originally Elizabeth Braddock, discovered her mutant powers after being mind-controlled by Dr. Synne and Mastermind. She was later captured by the Hand, who transferred her soul into the body of a deadly ninja warrior. This transformation gave her enhanced physical abilities and made her a skilled assassin. These events are key to her in-game persona, showcasing her abilities and background.

Personality Traits: Psylocke is fiercely independent and determined. Her experience as an assassin has made her disciplined and strategic, qualities reflected in her precise and powerful fighting style. She fights with a sense of purpose, driven by the need to control her powers and destiny.

Psylocke's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Power Drain, Power Lock, Power Burn, Stun

  • Psylocke's basic attacks and moves are designed to control her opponent's power while dealing critical damage.

  • Strengths: Psylocke excels at power control, with abilities that reduce, lock, or burn enemy power levels. This makes her particularly effective against champions reliant on special attacks.

  • Weaknesses: She struggles against opponents with natural power gain or abilities that lower her offensive power accuracy.

  • Light Attacks: Quick, psi-infused strikes aimed at building combos and psi-charges.

  • Medium Attacks: Stronger attacks with a higher chance to crit, focusing on disrupting the opponent’s power.

  • Heavy Attacks: Consumes all Psi-Charges, delivering devastating energy damage per charge consumed.

Unordered list of basic abilities:

  • Power Drain: Drains a portion of the opponent's power.
  • Power Lock: Locks the opponent's power for a duration.
  • Power Burn: Burns the opponent's power, causing direct damage.
  • Stun: Immobilizes the opponent temporarily.

Special Attacks:

  1. Telekinetic Blade: Psylocke manifests a telekinetic blade alongside her katana. Depletes up to 25% of the target’s max power and gains power if the opponent’s power bar is reduced over a threshold.
  2. Psionic Blast: Unleashes raw psionic energy, with a 100% chance to Power Lock the opponent for 6 seconds. Consumes a Psi-Charge and grants 34% power.
  3. Psionic Knife Strike: Concentrates her power into a single psychic blade that locks the opponent's power for 10 seconds, burns 20% of their power for each Psi-Charge, and stuns them if their power is reduced to 0.

Signature Ability: Psi-Feedback: Disrupts the opponent’s nervous system, reducing their Defensive Ability Accuracy by 65% when they have 0 power. Additionally, it grants bonus Critical Damage Rating based on the opponent's current power level. Awakening this ability significantly enhances Psylocke's ability to control and mitigate the opponent's actions, making her a formidable contender in tough battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Psylocke’s strategy revolves around power control. Keep the opponent’s power low to minimize their ability to use special attacks and capitalize on her psi-charges to unleash devastating heavy attacks. Maintaining control of the battle is crucial to leveraging Psylocke's strengths.

Advanced Techniques: Mastering the timing of her power-draining abilities can lead to uninterrupted combat flow. Utilize heavy attacks when psi-charges are at maximum for significant damage output. Combining her special attacks efficiently can keep the opponent locked down and unable to retaliate.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery:

  • Familiarize yourself with the timing and range of Psylocke’s attacks.
  • Utilize her Power Lock abilities strategically to interrupt opponents’ special attacks.
  • Managing psi-charges is key to maximizing her damage output and control abilities.

Team Composition:

  • Pair Psylocke with champions that benefit from power control and critical hit bonuses.
  • Utilize her synergy bonuses to enhance team power gain and perfect block capabilities, creating a well-rounded team.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Romance: Archangel – All Champions gain +5% Power Gain
  2. Teammates: Storm, Rogue – All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block

Countering Psylocke

Counter Tactics: Psylocke’s abilities are most effective when her opponent’s power is low. Utilize champions with natural power gain or abilities that lower her offensive power accuracy to counter her strategies effectively.

Psylocke Counters:

  1. Vision: Vision’s Signature Ability can generate power over time, bypassing Psylocke’s power drain effects.
  2. Hyperion: His Cosmic Charges provide natural power gain, making him less vulnerable to Psylocke's power drain abilities.
  3. Civil Warrior: His ability to lower Offensive Ability Accuracy can disrupt Psylocke's power control.
  4. Spider-Man: Spider-Man’s Evade ability makes him difficult to hit consistently, forcing Psylocke to reset her power control strategy frequently.


Final Thoughts: Psylocke’s combination of telepathic and telekinetic powers, coupled with her martial arts skills, make her a versatile and formidable addition to any roster. Her ability to control and manipulate opponent power levels sets her apart as a strategic fighter.

Encouragement to Experiment: Experiment with Psylocke’s psi-charges and power control mechanics to maximize her potential. Finding the right balance and timing can make her an invaluable asset in both offensive and defensive scenarios.