
Sasquatch – The Unstoppable Beast of the North

Champion Breakdown

About Sasquatch

Character Class: Mystic
Brief Overview: Sasquatch, aka Dr. Walter Langkowski, is a towering, mystical force whose origins blend science and the supernatural. Armed with unique abilities that allow him to tank hits, regenerate health, and unleash devastating Rupture attacks, Sasquatch excels in both offense and defense. His special powers are enhanced by the buffs of his opponents, making him a formidable contender in the arena.

Sasquatch Origin: Sasquatch hails from Marvel Comics, where he first emerged as a member of Alpha Flight, a Canadian superhero team. His connection to the mystical Realm of Great Beasts and his transformation into this monstrous form is woven intricately into the game’s narrative.

Lore Background

Sasquatch History: The saga of Dr. Walter Langkowski is characterized by his quest to replicate Bruce Banner's Hulk transformation. Though his experimentations led to profound physical changes, they also entwined his fate with a mystical beast named Tanaraq, granting him incredible strength akin to the legendary Sasquatch. This dual nature shapes his strategy and persona both in the comics and in Marvel Contest of Champions.

Personality Traits: Sasquatch exhibits a fierce determination and a strong sense of morality—traits that fuel his resilience in battle. His identity as a protector of the weak and his affinity for unleashing raw, powerful force directly influence his gameplay mechanics, which focus on utilizing Rage and a mystical healing factor.

Sasquatch's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Rupture, Stagger, Stun, Regeneration.
Sasquatch employs a tank-like fighting style, with basic moves focusing on countering incoming damage while dealing significant damage over time. His abilities shine in battles against buff-happy opponents, allowing him to leverage their strengths for his own gains.

  • Light Attacks: A flurry of quick punches with a 30% chance to inflict Rupture Dots, dealing increasing damage as the fight progresses.
  • Medium Attacks: Heavy blows that further build Rupture Dots while setting up for powerful specials.
  • Heavy Attacks: Capable of inflicting Stagger for 14 seconds, nullifying the next buff the opponent might gain.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Spirit of Rage: Build up to 15 Rage stacks over time, reducing damage taken from all sources and enhancing survivability.
  • Wrath of Tanaraq: When triggered, Sasquatch becomes Unstoppable and gains additional Combat Power Rate, allowing a heavy focus on offensive strategies.

Special Attacks

  1. Special 1 - Cool Breeze: Refreshes any active Ruptures and has a chance to stun the opponent if blocked. Best used to keep Ruptures active for maximum damage.
  2. Special 2 - Raging Tempest: Removes Rupture Dots while boosting Sasquatch's Attack Rating significantly, unleashing severe damage perfect for finishing moves.
  3. Special 3 - Roar of the Great Beast: Passively regenerates lost health and builds Rage stacks, serving as a crucial lifeline in tight battles.

Signature Ability - Old Beast of the North: Activates a healing factor when below 40% health, restoring a percentage of health over time and granting increased power control against opponents. Awakening this ability significantly enhances Sasquatch’s raw survivability and offensive gameplay.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Engage aggressively, building Rage stacks while leveraging Rupture effects on opponents. Utilize his high health and robust regeneration to outlast opponents while dishing out consistent damage.

Advanced Techniques: Employ medium-light-medium combos, especially during Wrath of Tanaraq to maximize special spamming while maintaining pressure on the opponent.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on synergy with healing and power regeneration masteries. Understanding timing for activating his abilities can provide a steep competitive edge.

Team Composition: Sasquatch benefits from synergy with characters that bolster his healing and damage output, such as Hulk and Man-Thing.

Synergy Bonuses

  • Just Hair and Things: Man-Thing, Sabretooth - +12% Attack during Wrath of Tanaraq.
  • Gamma Ray Ray: Hulk - Additional Rupture on Special 2.
  • Furry Buds: Squirrel Girl - Lengthened Rupture effects.
  • Giant Challengers: King Groot, Thing, Sentinel - Start fights with 3 Stacks of Rage.

Countering Sasquatch

Counter Tactics: To effectively counter Sasquatch, focus on Power Control tactics, utilizing champions who nullify buffs to limit his potential.

Sasquatch Counters

  • Spider-Man: Use Spider-Man’s evasion mechanics to avoid hits and drain Sasquatch’s resources, preventing him from building Rage stacks.
  • Doctor Strange: Leverage their ability to control power and enhance debuffs to stop Sasquatch from accessing Rage and Wrath of Tanaraq.


Final Thoughts: Sasquatch stands out as a robust Mystic champion offering a wealth of strategic depth and versatility. His ability to absorb damage while dealing powerful Rupture effects makes him a valuable asset to any player's roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players are encouraged to explore Sasquatch's unique mechanics, honing skills and finding novel strategies to maximize the powerhouse potential of this mystical beast.