
Sersi – The Eternal Powerhouse in MCoC

Champion Breakdown

About Sersi

Character Class: Cosmic

Brief Overview: Sersi is a tank-like Cosmic brawler from Marvel’s Eternals. With her incredible ability to manipulate matter, she has the potential to deal massive burst damage, both at a distance and up close. Sersi can withstand significant damage with her Glancing Buff, pierce through Armor with True Damage, and boost her power when opponents have Armor Ups.

Sersi Origin: Sersi is one of the ancient Eternals, a race of immortal aliens who have been residing secretly on Earth for thousands of years. Unlike her otherworldly peers, Sersi enjoys living among humans and doubles as a museum curator while protecting humanity from the Deviant threat.

Lore Background

Sersi History: Sersi’s story is marked by her preference for dwelling amongst humans, differentiating her from other Eternals. Her crucial moments include utilizing her matter manipulation abilities for both everyday tasks and combat scenarios, making her an invaluable ally and a formidable foe.

Personality Traits: Sersi’s affinity for humanity means she values connection and protection. This is reflected in her combat style, where she leverages resilience (through Glancing Buffs) and offensive power (through True Damage and Fury) to defend and counter-attack effectively.

Sersi's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Glancing, Transmutation, Unblockable, True Damage, Fury, Incinerate
Outline of Sersi’s Basic Attacks and Moves:

  • Light Attacks: Basic jabs and quick strikes, building up to her stronger hits.
  • Medium Attacks: More powerful than light attacks, these include a mix of kicks and punches.
  • Heavy Attacks: Charged attacks that can activate her Glancing Buff, dealing significant damage while boosting her defenses.

Unordered List of Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Glancing: Reduces damage from hits and prevents critical hits.
  • Transmutation Buffs: Provide reductions in damaging debuff durations and can be consumed for Fury or True Damage boosts.
  • Unblockable: Special attacks can gain Unblockable status when activated from a distance, making them harder for opponents to counter.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Seismic Fracture

    • Close to Opponent: Gains a True Damage Buff for 12 seconds, which can be extended by consuming Transmutation Buffs.
    • Far from Opponent: Inflicts a Stun Debuff and refreshes personal buffs by consuming Transmutation Buffs.
  2. Special 2: Volcanic Surge

    • Close to Opponent: Gains a Fury Buff, boosting attack, and consumes Transmutation Buffs for more Fury Buffs.
    • Far from Opponent: Regenerates 5% of damage dealt, with additional regeneration per Transmutation Buff consumed.
  3. Special 3: Eternal Pyre

    • Inflicts Incinerate Debuffs, dealing Energy damage over time and reducing the enemy's Block Proficiency. Additional Incinerate Debuffs are applied based on the number of Transmutation Buffs consumed in the fight.

Signature Ability: Ancient Molecular Control

  • Grants Regeneration Buffs when Glancing hits occur, scaling with the number of Transmutation Buffs. Generates Power Gain Buffs when Fury or Glancing Buffs expire, enhancing her power and survivability. Having this ability awakened significantly boosts her durability and damage output.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Sersi’s Glancing Buff to absorb heavy damage, and exploit her ability to generate Transmutation Buffs through various attacks. Her special attacks should be strategically used depending on the range from the opponent to maximize either offensive power or the inducement of status effects like Stun or Incinerate.

Advanced Techniques: Combining Heavy Attacks to trigger Glancing Buffs, followed by a combo that ends with Special 1 or Special 2, allows for constant pressure on the opponent while maintaining high damage output.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on improving Regeneration and Fury uptime. Mastery in Recovery will synergize well with her Signature Ability, and Enhanced Fury will ensure her damage stays high.

Team Composition: Pair Sersi with champions like Ikaris and Hercules to benefit from synergies that enhance her abilities and overall effectiveness in battle.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Eternal Partner: Ikaris

    • Sersi: +10% Energy Resistance and reduces the opponent’s Energy Resistance by 3%.
    • Ikaris: Energize Buffs grant +5% Energy Resistance and reduce opponent’s Energy Resistance by +1.5%.
  2. Partygoers: Hercules

    • Sersi: Special Hits with an Unblockable Buff become Guaranteed Critical Hits.
    • Hercules: Gains indefinite Strength for every 10 hits in the Combo Meter.
  3. Ham’s Odyssey: Spider-Ham

    • Sersi: 60% chance to gain an Unstoppable Buff for 6 seconds when a Glancing Buff expires.
    • Spider-Ham: While Unblockable, places 2 additional Porker Poppers if the opponent is Taunted.

Countering Sersi

Counter Tactics: When facing Sersi, focus on champions that can apply Stagger or Fate Seal to disrupt her Glancing Buffs. Using Poison or Heal Reversal abilities will negate her Regeneration and tilt the battle in your favor.

Sersi Counters:

  1. Doctor Voodoo: Uses Stagger effectively to nullify Sersi’s buffs.
  2. Void: Applies persistent debuffs, especially useful due to his Petrify ability to counter her healing.
  3. Magik: Her Limbo ability can continually damage Sersi, bypassing her defenses.


Final Thoughts: Sersi’s blend of defensive buffs with high offensive capabilities makes her a versatile and valuable addition to any roster. Her unique mechanics and synergy bonuses provide numerous strategic opportunities for both offense and defense.

Encouragement to Experiment: Don’t hesitate to experiment with Sersi, trying out different mastery and team setups to find the combination that best suits your playstyle. Her potential is vast, and with the right strategies, she can prove to be an unstoppable force in Marvel Contest of Champions.