Silver Centurion

Silver Centurion – Master of Tech and Areal Assault

Champion Breakdown

About Silver Centurion

Character Class: Tech

Brief Overview: Silver Centurion, also known as Harry Rhodes, is a descendant of a Battleworld version of War Machine. He blends powerful plasma attacks with strategic use of armor and drones, resulting in high damage output and versatile utility.

Silver Centurion Origin: Hailing from the Battleworld universe, Silver Centurion honors his family legacy and sports an old-school Iron Man look. Specializing in reconnaissance, he brings a unique skillset to Marvel Contest of Champions.

Lore Background

Silver Centurion History: Silver Centurion, real name Harry Rhodes, is an Iron Legionnaire from the House of Iron. Inspired by War Machine and named to honor Happy Hogan, he uses his armor not just for combat but also for gathering intelligence. Significant moments in his history include mastering drone technology and adapting his combat style to maximize plasma-based offense.

Personality Traits: Ambitious and honorable, Silver Centurion thrives on living up to his family’s reputation. His methodical and tactical nature is reflected in his combat, relying on precise strikes and strategically timed abilities.

Silver Centurion's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Plasma, Armor Up, Heal Block, Slow

Silver Centurion’s attacks and moves combine regular strikes with special plasma-infused abilities.

  • Light Attack: Ends with "Heat Punch" that inflicts an Incinerate Debuff.
  • Medium Attack: Second medium hit, known as "Plasma Blast," deals burst energy damage when locked on.
  • Heavy Attack: Inflicts a non-stacking Slow Debuff, reducing Unstoppable and Evade effects.

Passive Abilities:

  • Armor Up: Starts with an indefinite Armor Up Buff, adding durability and granting immunity to Bleed and Shock while active.
  • Lock-On: Activates after staying close to the opponent, enhancing damage and utility.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Iron Barrage - Refreshes Lock-On and inflicts Heal Block, converting it to a Passive Heal Block if a Regeneration effect is active.
  2. Special 2: Drone Onslaught - Refreshes Plasma effects on opponents and deals additional burst damage for each Plasma stack when Locked-On.
  3. Special 3: Electrical Cage - Always activates Lock-On, inflicts Slow Debuff and Power Drain, ensuring the opponent doesn’t reach their Special 3.

Signature Ability: Improved Lock-On: Converts Shock and Plasma Debuffs to Passives, extending their duration and increasing Block Proficiency during Lock-On. Awakening this ability significantly enhances Silver Centurion's strategic edge and survivability in prolonged battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Silver Centurion’s Lock-On ability to boost attack potency. Build up Plasma Debuffs and trigger Special Attacks to maximize damage. Keep the opponent close to maintain the benefits of Lock-On.

Advanced Techniques:

  • Combo Sequences: Execute 5-hit combos ending with Light (Heat Punch) to stack Incinerate Debuffs. Follow with Medium attacks while Locked-On to trigger Plasma Blasts.
  • Special Attack Timing: Activate Special 2 once you’ve built several Plasma stacks for maximum burst damage.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery:

  • Double-Edge Mastery: With immunity to Bleed, Silver Centurion can withstand aggressive combat, though Recoil Mastery can modify his Special Attack reliance.
  • Collar Tech: Enhancing Power control prolongs Lock-On usage, vital for Silver Centurion’s playstyle.

Team Composition: Pair Silver Centurion with champions offering high synergy bonuses, especially those boosting defensive capabilities or Plasma-related buffs.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Champions of Battleworld: Sorcerer Supreme, Storm (Pyramid X), Jabari Panther – Enhances Critical Damage Rating.
  2. Iron Men: Iron Man (Infinity War), Superior Iron Man – Adds Energy Vulnerability during Special Attacks.
  3. Asgardian Republic: Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), Thor (Ragnarok) – Increases Shock Debuff potency.
  4. Patriot Garrison: Captain America and variants – Gains Unstoppable Buff upon Stun immunity.
  5. Pet Pals: Squirrel Girl, Mole Man – Increases Plasma effects during Special Attack 2.
  6. Family: War Machine – Provides a health buff to all champions.

Countering Silver Centurion

Counter Tactics: To effectively counter Silver Centurion, disrupt his ability to maintain Lock-On by keeping distance and breaking his Armor Up buffs. Utilize champions immune to Shock to negate his critical effects.

Silver Centurion Counters:

  1. Magneto: Exploit his ability to nullify Metal champions like Silver Centurion with ease.
  2. Doctor Doom: Power control and heavy damage interrupt Silver Centurion’s Lock-On mechanics.
  3. Medusa: Armor Shattering abilities cripple Silver Centurion’s main defenses.


Final Thoughts: Silver Centurion stands out due to his unique blend of plasma damage and utility capabilities. His rich backstory and tactical combat style make him a valuable asset in various scenarios.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the game with Silver Centurion and explore different tactics to maximize his potential. Unlock his signature ability to uncover just how formidable he can become in the Contest of Champions!