
Spot – The Interdimensional Trickster

Champion Breakdown

About Spot

Character Class: Science

Brief Overview: Jonathan Ohnn, known as The Spot, is a marvel of scientific mishap turned criminal mastermind. Utilizing experimental portal technology, Spot can manipulate space instantly, making him a challenging opponent in Marvel Contest of Champions. With unique abilities such as Untouchable, Rupture, and Portal Block, Spot excels in redirecting damage back at his foes, and his playstyle thrives when enemies are aggressive.

Spot Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, Jonathan Ohnn was a M.I.T. doctorate whose experiments with Darkforce energy led him to become The Spot. His unexpected journey to the Spotted Dimension endowed him with his unique, portal-covered appearance and abilities, making him a formidable foe in the Contest of Champions.

Lore Background

Spot History: Jonathan Ohnn’s life changes forever when his portal experiment backfires, thrusting him into the Spotted Dimension. Crawling back from the brink, he finds his body covered in black spots that allow instant teleportation through space. Realizing the potential of his newfound abilities, Ohnn embarks on a criminal career as The Spot, utilizing his portals to evade and strike unpredictably.

Personality Traits: Spot is ingenious but reckless, traits reflected in his volatile powers. His reliance on his portals suggests a tactical and evasive fighting style, one that capitalizes on his cunning and unpredictability. These traits drive his defensive, reactive combat strategy in the game.

Spot's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Untouchable, Rupture, Portal Block, Infuriate, Buff Immunity

Spot can perform a series of basic attacks, each with distinct functions:

  • Light Attacks: Quick strikes that efficiently build up combo and deal significant damage when coupled with his Ruptures.
  • Medium Attacks: Balanced attacks that can help deal with inflicting damage-over-time effects.
  • Heavy Attacks: Slower, powerful blows useful for breaking blocks or preparing for a strategic comparison with his special abilities.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Untouchable: At 5+ Spots, Spot becomes Untouchable, causing all incoming attacks to Miss and inflicting Rupture Debuffs on opponents.
  • Rupture Debuffs: Deal damage over time, incrementally harming the opponent.
  • Portal Block: Provides immense blocking proficiency and a chance to resist heavy and unblockable attacks.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Extradimensional Shortcut - Inflicts Buff Immunity for 10-20 seconds based on Spots. Immunity to buffs triggers Rupture Debuffs. Best used to close distance and setup further attacks.
  2. Special 2: High Speed Matter Transfer - Inflicts Physical Vulnerability and bursts of Physical Damage for each Rupture effect. High damage potential, especially useful to weaken the opponent’s defenses.
  3. Special 3: Spotted Dimension Getaway - Maxes out Spot’s Spots, increasing Rupture durations permanently. Ideal for longer battles and setting up an Untouchable state.

Signature Ability: From the Spotted Dimension

  • Activates post-Portal Block, dealing instant Rupture damage per Spot gained.
  • While Untouchable, striking opponents during their Heavy Attack or Special recovery grants a Fury Passive, boosting his Attack Rating.
  • Awakened ability greatly enhances Spot’s damage output and synergy with his signature moves.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Maximize Spot’s damage by building up Spots and triggering Untouchable strategically to inflict multiple Rupture Debuffs. Use Portal Block to defend against strong attacks and bait aggressive opponents into striking.

Advanced Techniques: Combine Portal Block with Medium Medium combos to conserve Rupture damage. Deploy Special Attacks immediately after building up Spots to leverage their full potential, and utilize the Buff Immunity from Special 1 to heal using the Willpower Mastery.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery:

  • Recovery / Willpower: Enhances Spot’s healing when Buff Immunity is triggered.
  • Stand Your Ground: Paired with Portal Block to resist Heavy Attacks.
  • Despair: Reduces enemies’ regeneration by stacking Rupture Debuffs.
  • Inequity / Resonate: Mitigate self-inflicted damage by lowering overall damage taken through debuffs.

Team Composition: Spot’s synergy bonuses with various champions can bolster their performance in combat:

  • Darkforce Project Funding: With Kingpin, and Mister Negative, Spot starts each fight with 2 Spots.
  • Now You’re Punching with Portals: With America Chavez and Wong, basic attacks during Portal Block grant Spot a Fury Buff and enhance their own energy manipulations.
  • Impetuous Youth: With Spider-Man and Black Cat, Spot inflicts a Taunt Debuff when untouchable, and enhances their evasion and critical ratings.
  • Roommates: With Mysterio, Spot gains enhanced Rupture Debuff potency.
  • Another Dimension: With Mephisto and Magik, provides additional resistances and fury buffs.

Countering Spot

Counter Tactics: Avoid striking Spot when he is close to going Untouchable. Focus on ranged attacks and maintain distance to mitigate his Rupture damage. Disorient Debuffs can effectively negate his Portal Block ability.

Spot Counters:

  • Human Torch: His consistent damage-over-time effects can overwhelm Spot’s defenses.
  • Archangel: Neurotoxins bypass Spot's defenses and deal heavy damage.
  • Nick Fury: Reliability and high bleed damage counters Spot’s evasive abilities.
  • Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): High evade chance and electric web shots can disrupt Spot's combat flow.


Final Thoughts: Spot adds a unique dynamic to Marvel Contest of Champions with his portal manipulation and evasive gameplay. His strengths lie in his ability to turn opponents’ aggression against them, making him a formidable defender and tricky opponent to face.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into using Spot, experiment with his unique abilities and playstyle to master the Interdimensional Trickster. Find your own strategies to maximize his potential and integrate him effectively into your team compositions.