The Champion

The Champion – A Cosmic Powerhouse

Champion Breakdown

About The Champion

Character Class: Cosmic

Brief Overview: The Champion harnesses the Power Primordial, amplifying his physical prowess to stand among the universe's greatest warriors. Known for his fierce might and robust regeneration abilities, The Champion is a formidable adversary in both attack and defense.

The Champion Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, The Champion is an Elder of the Universe who constantly seeks to establish his superiority through combat with the universe’s most powerful beings.

Lore Background

The Champion History: Embroiled in countless battles across the universe, The Champion thrives on testing his strength against worthy opponents. His journey through the cosmos is marked by significant victories that underscore his relentless pursuit of power and dominance.

Personality Traits: Dominating, arrogant, and relentless—these key traits define The Champion. His confidence in his abilities translates to a bold, aggressive fighting style in-game, characterized by powerful blows and relentless persistence.

The Champion's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Persistent Charge, Fury Buffs, True Accuracy, Armor Break
The Champion's basic attacks revolve around capitalizing on Persistent Charges which bolster his attack strength and unlock unique effects. His light attacks grant True Accuracy, while medium attacks cause Armor Breaks. He can balance powerful hits with strategic buffs to maintain dominance in battle.

  • Light Attacks: Requires 2 Persistent Charges: Activates True Accuracy for 7 seconds, ignoring Auto Block and Evade effects if intercepting the opponent’s Dash Attack.
  • Medium Attacks: Requires 3 Persistent Charges: Inflicts Armor Break if intercepting the opponent’s Dash Attack, reducing Armor Rating for 6 seconds.
  • Heavy Attacks: Delivers a heavy blow that can synergize with his buffs for additional damage.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Persistent Charge: Gains every 13 seconds, enhancing attack rating.
  • Champion of the Universe: Increases Persistent Charges gain and buff duration when fighting top-tier champions.
  • Unstoppable: Becomes Unstoppable, negating basic attack damage temporarily when certain conditions are met.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Judo Chop - Gains a Regeneration Buff if he has 4 or more Persistent Charges, regenerating Health over 3 seconds.
  2. Special 2: Missile Dropkick - Spends 2 Persistent Charges to significantly boost Critical Rating.
  3. Special 3: Champion’s Press Backbreaker - Spends 2 Persistent Charges to grant a Fury Buff, increasing Attack Rating.

Signature Ability: Primal Fury
When one or more of his Fury Buffs is active, it increases the potency of Armor Break. Activating 2+ Fury Buffs makes him Unstoppable for a duration, amplifies regeneration, and shields him from various debuffs like Fate Seal and Heal Block. Awakening this ability significantly enhances his durability and offensive potential, especially in end-node quest scenarios.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize The Champion's Persistent Charges to maximize Fury Buff application and time your attacks to capitalize on his enhanced states. Efficiently cycling through special attacks ensures sustained offensive pressure and strategic regeneration when necessary.

Advanced Techniques: Master intercepting the opponent's dash attacks to activate True Accuracy or Armor Break. Timing the activation of his Fury Buffs and leveraging his Unstoppable phase can turn the tide in tough battles. Utilize his Special 2 for critical moments where high damage output is essential.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Training in Extended Fury and Enhanced Fury masteries will prolong the duration of his powerful buffs. Additionally, balancing offensive masteries like Glass Cannon with regenerative capabilities strengthens his overall performance, especially in longer fights.

Team Composition: The Champion pairs well with other high-damage or defensive characters. Identify team synergies to bolster his attack rating and survivability.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Tough Brawlers: Luke Cage - The Champion gains Unstoppable with basic attacks; Luke Cage has a higher chance to inflict debuffs.
  2. Persistent Force: Mephisto, Sentry - The Champion starts with Indestructible Buff with 3+ Persistent Charges; Mephisto and Sentry gain increased Attack Rating.
  3. Combo Fighter: Thor (Ragnarok) - Gains Persistent Charge every 20 hits; Thor increases Attack Rating per combo hit.
  4. David and Goliath: Aegon - Both characters gain a significant Attack Rating boost when fighting larger or smaller enemies, respectively.
  5. Enemies: Drax, Mephisto - Boost critical rating for all champions.

Countering The Champion

Counter Tactics: Champions with Nullify can easily dismantle The Champion’s buffs, making mystic characters key counters. Maintaining distance to avoid his Unstoppable phases and targeting his lower health phases can turn the battle in your favor.

The Champion Counters:

  1. Doctor Voodoo: Utilize power control and buff nullification to neutralize The Champion’s advantages.
  2. Loki: Can steal The Champion's buffs, flipping the battle’s momentum.
  3. Doctor Strange (awakened): Effectively nullifies buffs and controls the fight pace with power gains and health regen.


Final Thoughts: The Champion is a powerhouse with formidable offensive capabilities and strong regenerative abilities, making him a valuable addition to any roster. His playstyle rewards strategic use of buffs and well-timed attacks.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the Contest with The Champion and discover the nuances of his abilities. Experiment with different team compositions and masteries to unlock his full potential in both PvE and PvP battles.