Venom the Duck

Venom the Duck – The Chaotic Symbiote Powerhouse

Champion Breakdown

About Venom the Duck

Character Class: Cosmic
Brief Overview: Meet Venom the Duck, a bizarre amalgamation born from violent chaos and darkness, resembling both a duck and a symbiote. With a unique mix of abilities, Venom the Duck excels in utility and survivability through various buffs and effects, enabling him to outlast opponents while applying relentless pressure. This cosmic champion thrives in long fights, transforming each battle into a strategic showdown.

Venom the Duck Origin: Venom the Duck originates from the pages of Marvel Comics and was brought into the arena of Marvel Contest of Champions as an explosive character, merging the cunning of Howard the Duck with the formidable strength of the Venom symbiote.

Lore Background

Venom the Duck History: A fusion of Howard the Duck and Venom, this champion embodies the wild unpredictability of both characters. Born amidst the chaos of the Contest, Venom the Duck is a testament to the idea that strength can emerge from the most unexpected combinations. His journey showcases triumph against overwhelming odds, leveraging power and intellect to dominate in battle.

Personality Traits: With a blend of humor and brutality, Venom the Duck’s character reveals both cunning and chaos. His nonsensical wit can throw opponents off guard while his savage ferocity ensures he’s no pushover in combat.

Venom the Duck's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Bleed, Degeneration, Aberration, Toxic Armor
Venom the Duck wields a set of versatile abilities that allow him to adapt to various combat scenarios. His strengths lie in draining opponents and managing buffs effectively, while his key weaknesses stem from needing time to charge his abilities.

  • Light Attacks: Quick jabs that can apply Bleed with a 55% chance.
  • Medium Attacks: A combination of kicks and punches that can set up special abilities.
  • Heavy Attacks: Devastating strikes that deal considerable damage and generate buff charges.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities

  • Aberration Effect: Gradual building from 0% to 100%, unlocking random buffs when maxed.
  • Symbiote Buffs: Fury, Precision, Power Rate, Armor Up, Regeneration, Perfect Block.
  • Bleeding Effect: Deals damage over time with the potential to convert to Degeneration if the opponent is Bleed Immune.

Special Attacks

  1. Special 1 - Symbiotic Siphon: Absorbs energy from opponents, adding health to Venom the Duck and charging Aberration.
  2. Special 2 - Caustic Onslaught: Inflicts Toxic Armor on the opponent, enhancing Venom the Duck's damage potential based on the opponent's armor level.
  3. Special 3 - Ravenous Ambush: Activates all Symbiote Buffs stored in the RNA Bank, ensuring a devastating impact if properly charged.

Signature Ability: Symbiosis Apotheosis: Provides initial Aberration charge and enhances special attack powers, significantly impacting Venom the Duck’s ability to control fights. Awakening this ability is crucial as it increases survivability and damage, giving him an edge in long battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Venom the Duck thrives in extended fights, gradually building up his resources. Utilize his Bleed conversion capabilities for consistent damage output, and focus on building the RNA Bank before engaging in crucial attacks.

Advanced Techniques:

  • Combo Special 1 followed by Special 2 for maximum damage output, especially against high armor opponents.
  • Utilize Heavy Attacks to refresh buffs during critical moments to keep the opponent off balance.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Invest in Recovery and Precision masteries to capitalize on Venom’s regenerative abilities and critical hit opportunities.

Team Composition: Venom the Duck benefits from team synergies enhancing his Symbiote Buffs. Pair him with champions that offer damage boosts or utility, like Domino or Groot.

Synergy Bonuses

  1. Genetic Recode – Aggression: Carnage, Venompool - +25% chance to activate Frenzy Buffs.
  2. Genetic Recode – Survival: Agent Venom, Spider-Man (Symbiote) - +25% chance to activate Survival Buffs.
  3. Genetic Recode – Probability: Domino - +35% Ability Accuracy during Special Attacks.
  4. Genetic Recode – Regenesis: Groot - +15% Regen Symbiote Buff duration.
  5. Genetic Recode – Hive Mind: Venom - +40% Aberration charge at the start of each fight.

Countering Venom the Duck

Counter Tactics: Focus on quick, burst damage attacks to prevent Venom the Duck from building his RNA Bank effectively. Passive immunity champions can mitigate his Bleed and Degeneration effects.

Counter Champions

  1. Doctor Strange: Utilize his ability to nullify buffs and disrupt Venom’s strategies.
  2. Thor (Ragnarok): Employ his heavy hits to quickly deal damage before Venom accumulates buffs.


Final Thoughts: Venom the Duck is a fantastic addition for players who enjoy strategic engagements. With powerful abilities and the potential for substantial damage over longer fights, he can fill a strong role in any roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the chaos that is Venom the Duck! Explore different team combinations and strategies to discover your very own way to maximize his unique powers. Happy hunting in the Contest!