
Wong – Master of the Mystic Arts Unleashed

Champion Breakdown

About Wong

Character Class: Mystic
Brief Overview: Wong, a stalwart protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum and a Master of the Mystic Arts, is a formidable champion in Marvel Contest of Champions. His command over Eldritch Spells allows him to harness immense power, regenerate health, and nullify opponent buffs, making him an invaluable ally in battle. With both strategic depth and a rich lore, Wong is an engaging character for players looking for a blend of utility and combat prowess.

Wong's Origin: Wong is a character originally from Marvel Comics, known for his role as Doctor Strange's loyal ally. He has transitioned beautifully into the MCoC game, representing a blend of his storied history in the comics alongside unique abilities designed for intense combat scenarios.

Lore Background

Wong's History: Wong has a vibrant history as the servant and protector of the Ancient One before taking on the mantle himself. His unwavering dedication to defending mystical realms led him to become a Sorcerer Supreme, albeit through unique circumstances. Key moments in his journey reflect his tactical mind and significant mastery of the Mystic Arts, which is well-represented in his gameplay style.

Personality Traits: Wong is known for his stoicism and intelligence. He approaches battles with strategic calculation and a steady demeanor. These traits manifest in the game through his careful timing of spell casting and resource management, allowing players to harness his full potential on the battlefield.

Wong's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Regeneration, Power Gain, Unstoppable, Fate Seal
Wong utilizes a combination of basic and special attacks that capitalize on his Eldritch Spells. His strengths lie in considerable regeneration capabilities and power gain, while his weaknesses expose him to champions that thrive against persistent special attacks.

  • Light Attacks: Wong's light attacks swiftly cycle through Eldritch Spells, advancing his tactical options.
  • Medium Attacks: These build on his ability to cast spells and increase damage output.
  • Heavy Attacks: Heavy attacks convert Eldritch Energy into significant power gain, allowing for explosive special attacks.

Passive Abilities:

  • Eldritch Energy Generation: Wong builds Eldritch Energy every second, allowing him to perform devastating combinations of special attacks.
  • Unstoppable: Activated by certain conditions, providing a shield during critical moments.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1 - Portal Punch: Casts an Eldritch Spell corresponding to Wong’s current Mandala. This attack sets the stage for his next moves.
  2. Special 2 - Beam of the Octessence: Increases attack rating significantly, while dealing energy damage on the last two hits and refreshing spell durations.
  3. Special 3 - Dimensional Portal World Tour: Applies a Fate Seal debuff to the opponent, nullifying all buffs while extending spell durations.

Signature Ability: Mastery of the Mystic Arts: This ability permits Wong to start the battle with a selected Mandala spell, enhancing his gameplay and ensuring he can nullify crucial opponent buffs right away. This significantly impacts his effectiveness, especially against champions reliant on buffs.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Wong excels when players focus on spell mechanics and energy management. Maximizing Eldritch Energy, timing heavy attacks for power gain, and capitalizing on spell durations are key strategies to dominate battles.

Advanced Techniques: Mastering combo chains and managing the transitions between different spell modes can yield a significant power advantage. Timing special attacks effectively between combo hits can keep spell durations in play while consistently damaging the opponent.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Wong benefits from mastery in Recovery, enhancing his regenerative abilities while managing his health pool during engagements. Learning to balance aggressive play with defensive tactics is crucial for optimizing Wong's capabilities.

Team Composition: Wong synergizes well with champions like Doctor Strange and others with power manipulations, enhancing overall team effectiveness in synergy with spell durations.

Synergy Bonuses:

    • 177A Bleecker Street: Doctor Strange - Boosts Wong's maximum Eldritch Energy and increases Fate Seal duration for Doctor Strange.
    • Next in Line: Doctor Voodoo, Magik (and Coming Soon) - Lengthens spell durations and boosts power effects.
    • Responsible Adults: Shang-Chi - Grants additional Eldritch Energy from Special Attack 1.

Countering Wong

Counter Tactics: Players facing Wong should consider champions that inflict Wither debuffs or champions that can effectively manage Unstoppable effects, exploiting his dependence on spells.

Wong Counters:

    • Mister Negative: Use Mister Negative to deploy Wither debuffs that shut down Wong’s spells, significantly diminishing his combat capabilities.
    • Hawkeye: With access to slow mechanics, Hawkeye can negate Wong’s unstoppable state, allowing for uninterrupted attacks.


Final Thoughts: Wong is a unique champion whose powers and tactical depth make him a strong choice in Marvel Contest of Champions. His spellcasting and regeneration abilities establish him as a formidable ally and adversary alike.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players are encouraged to delve into Wong’s skillset, exploring various tactics and team compositions to maximize the potential of this master of mysticism. Experimentation is key to discovering the full depth of Wong’s abilities!