
Domino – Mastering the Art of Luck

Champion Breakdown

About Domino

Character Class: Mutant

Brief Overview: Neena Thurman, a.k.a. Domino, is a crafty and unpredictable Mutant whose primary abilities include manipulating probabilities to engineer favorable outcomes, though often at the expense of her foes. Known for her uncanny luck and formidable combat skills, Domino makes her mark as a versatile and potent Champion in Marvel Contest of Champions.

Domino Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, Domino was engineered in a government program aimed at creating the perfect weapon. She ultimately escaped and used her unique luck manipulation powers as a mercenary for the X-Force.

Lore Background

Domino History: Domino’s journey began under the scrutiny of a government weapons program, but she escaped and honed her abilities in the real world. Over time, she joined the mercenary group X-Force, standing out due to her extraordinary luck powers, which make her both an impressive ally and a formidable adversary.

Personality Traits: Known for her sarcastic and quick-witted demeanor, Domino’s personality reflects her fighting style—every move, though appearing random, is strategically calibrated to tip the odds in her favor.

Domino's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Luck, Critical Bleed, Critical Damage

Domino's strengths lie in manipulating probabilities and her Bleed capabilities. She thrives in matches where Bleed is common and can use her luck to counteract frequent enemy abilities.

Basic Attacks:

  • Light Attacks:
    • Quick, successive hits that build up her combo meter.
  • Medium Attacks:
    • Stronger hits that can interrupt enemy attacks.
  • Heavy Attacks:
    • If the opponent is stunned, increases Attack Rating significantly.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Passive:
    • Probability Field: Reduces opponents' critical rating and ability accuracy while boosting her own when abilities fail.
  • Active:
    • Luck: Enhances critical rating, damage, and blocking proficiency, adding evasion.
    • Unlucky: Decreases opponent stats and nullifies evades or Dexterity Mastery.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Stroke of Luck - Each hit has a chance to inflict Bleed. If Lucky, refreshes all Stun and Bleed effects. If the opponent is Unlucky, gains additional Attack Rating for seconds passed since the last special attack.
  2. Special 2: Auspicious Onslaught - Each hit has a chance to inflict Bleed. If Lucky, gains extra Attack Rating if affected by Bleed. If opponent is Unlucky, they are Taunted.
  3. Special 3: Soldier of Fortune - High chance to inflict Bleed. If Lucky, increases Attack Rating per Critical Hit dealt throughout the fight. If opponent is Unlucky, inflicts Armor Break.

Signature Ability: Critical Failure - Inflicts Energy Damage on the opponent when their abilities fail to trigger. Having this ability awakened significantly enhances Domino's capability to control the fight and steadily drain the opponent's health through consistent damage over time.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Leverage Domino’s Bleeds by frequently using her Special Attacks and maintaining Critical Hits to increase her damage output. Take advantage of her Luck abilities to turn the tide of battle, making her an unpredictable and formidable foe.

Advanced Techniques: Master chaining combos to build up to Special Attacks, maximizing the benefit from her Probability Field passive. Timing the activation of Luck and Unluck with her Special Attacks can lead to devastating combinations, especially against opponents reliant on abilities.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on mastering her Critical Rate, Critical Damage, and Bleed enhancements. Employ masteries like Deep Wounds to extend Bleed duration and maximize damage. Defense masteries like Coagulate and Willpower can help mitigate self-inflicted Bleed damage and prolong survivability.

Team Composition: Domino fits well into teams with Champions that can further enhance her critical stats or support her with blocking and survivability. Utilize her synergies to complement her abilities and add unique benefits.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Six Pack: [Deadpool] - Domino gains increased damage against certain Champions; Deadpool gains Stun chances with Special 1.
  2. X-Force: [Deadpool (X-Force)] - Increases Domino’s Luck activation chance; boosts Deadpool’s Bleed damage.
  3. Weapon X Strike Team: [Old Man Logan or Sabretooth] - Enhances Domino's Luck activation on dashing; increases effectiveness of partner’s Regen and Fury.
  4. Mercs for Money: [Masacre] - Longer debuff durations for Domino; Masacre gains Ignition Charges.
  5. Code Red Revelations: [Red Hulk] - Heavy Attacks inflict Incinerate; Red Hulk benefits from enhanced Regeneration.
  6. Better Luck Next Time: [M.O.D.O.K. or Taskmaster] - Increases Domino’s Luck/Unluck activation chances; extends Bleed abilities for partners.
  7. It’s Complicated: [Cable] - Starts with Lucky/Unlucky; Cable gains Armor and Power Gain.
  8. Romance: [Colossus or Wolverine] - All teammates gain increased Power Gain.

Countering Domino

Counter Tactics: Use Tech champions and those with high Bleed resistance or immunity. Characters with reliable, high-trigger rate abilities fare better due to consistent performance despite Domino’s probability manipulations.

Domino Counters:

  1. Vision: Capitalizes on high-ability trigger rates to bypass Domino’s Luck manipulation.
  2. Warlock: High resistance to Bleed and potent counter-abilities.
  3. Ghost: Phase ability avoids critical damage and status effects, minimizing Domino’s efficacy.


Final Thoughts: Domino’s gameplay blends high risk with high reward, making her an exhilarating Champion to wield. Her uncanny luck and the ability to turn the tables on her foes make her a dynamic and versatile asset to any player’s roster.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into Domino’s unique abilities and explore various strategies to uncover the most effective ways to dominate battles. She thrives on adaptability, so keep experimenting to unleash her full potential.