
Goldpool – The Golden Merc with a Healing Bite

Champion Breakdown

About Goldpool

Character Class: Mutant

Brief Overview: Goldpool, a golden-clad variant of Deadpool, possesses an undescended healing factor courtesy of the Weapon X Program. Known for his bleeding abilities, infinite taunt debuffs, and regenerative prowess, Goldpool dazzles with his shiny exterior and tactical gameplay mechanics.

Goldpool Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics as a variant of the famed Deadpool, Goldpool was specifically created for Marvel Contest of Champions, providing a playful and unique entry into the mutant class roster.

Lore Background

Goldpool History: Goldpool shares much of his history with the irreverent Deadpool. Also known as Wade Wilson, he was manipulated by the Weapon X Program, which gave him a spectacular healing factor. This variant, however, is dipped in gold and equipped with an even more chaotic personality, perfectly suited for the outlandish battles of MCoC.

Personality Traits: Goldpool is cheeky, taunting, and unpredictable. His playful antics and constant mockery make him a challenging opponent who dances through battles with a smile, bleeding enemies dry while regenerating his health.

Goldpool's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Bleed, Taunt, Stun, Prowess, Regeneration
Goldpool excels in manipulating fight dynamics with his unique set of abilities.

  • Light Attack: Quick slashes that build up to his special abilities.
  • Medium Attack: Stronger strikes that effectively help to maintain combinations.
  • Heavy Attack: A powerful boot to the face that refreshes active Taunt debuffs.

Unordered List of Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Bleed: Deals damage over time by making opponents bleed, increasing the effectiveness of his fight strategies.
  • Taunt: Reduces opponent's attack and increases their chance of launching a special attack, manipulatable with heavy attacks.
  • Stun: Briefly incapacitates opponents, allowing Goldpool to unleash further attacks.
  • Prowess: Enhances damage output of Goldpool's special attacks.
  • Regeneration: Recovers health, crucial for his survivability during battles.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Cup Check!

    • 65% chance to stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
    • Against Non-Robot Male Champions, this chance is doubled.
    • Strategic Advantage: Great for opening up opportunities for quick attacks and controlling the pace of the fight.
  2. Special 2: Dance break!

    • If Goldpool completes his dance, he gains Prowess, increasing special attack damage by 100% over 40 seconds.
    • If interrupted, gains 25% power.
    • 100% chance to inflict bleed, dealing significant damage over time.
    • 25% chance to stun the opponent for 3 seconds; first use each fight guarantees a 3-second stun.
    • Strategic Advantage: Allows major damage output and control; careful timing can maximize benefits.
  3. Special 3: Gold Dev Boot Call

    • Refreshes his Prowess and Regeneration Buffs.
    • 100% chance to inflict bleed, dealing significant direct damage.
    • Strategic Advantage: Perfect for extending buffs and dealing extensive damage in critical moments.

Signature Ability:

  • Double Regen = Double Fun
    • When brought below 35% max health, Goldpool gains a regeneration boost, recovering significant health over 8 seconds. If suppressed, tries to activate it again after 2 seconds.
    • Impact: Awakening this ability greatly enhances Goldpool's survivability, making him a formidable foe even when low on health.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Goldpool’s taunt and stun abilities to control combat. Stay aggressive with special attacks timed to maximize bleed and Prowess buffs. Use regenerative abilities strategically to prolong fights and maintain health.

Advanced Techniques: Employ heavy attacks to refresh taunts, utilizing them to bait and interrupt opponent specials. Integrate special attacks in a sequence that maximizes Prowess buffs and damage output. Use regeneration abilities in sync with health thresholds for sustained combat efficacy.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on mastering Goldpool’s bleed mechanics and timing for heavy attacks to maintain Taunt debuffs. Learning effective intercept techniques can be crucial for keeping taunts active throughout the fight.

Team Composition: Goldpool benefits from synergy with characters that enhance his damage output or bleed effects. Pair him with champions who can stack additional debuffs or provide complementary buffs to exploit his full potential.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • The Gold Standard: Self-Synergy - All Champions gain +8% Special Attack Rating.
  • Annoyances! Assemble!: Agent Venom, Mordo - Goldpool: Bleed Debuffs become Passive Bleeds. Agent Venom: +15% Bleed Debuff damage. Mordo: +15% Fury Buff Duration.
  • Broken Minds: Carnage, Void, Green Goblin - All Champions gain +1000 Armor Rating while Stunned.
  • Team Deadpool Awesome-Force: Deadpool, Venompool, Deadpool (X-Force), Gwenpool - Deadpool Champions take -20% Bleed Damage.

Countering Goldpool

Counter Tactics: Utilize champions with debuff immunity, heal block abilities, or high burst damage. Preventing Goldpool from regenerating health can significantly hinder his capabilities, as he relies heavily on his regenerative abilities for sustainability.

Goldpool Counters:

  • Black Widow/Crossbones: Suppress Goldpool’s regenerative abilities, reducing his survivability.


Final Thoughts: Goldpool is a dynamic addition to any player’s roster, emphasizing a playful yet tactical approach to combat. His blend of taunt, bleed, and regeneration abilities makes him both a versatile and entertaining champion to master.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into Goldpool’s unique mechanics and discover personalized strategies to dominate the battlegrounds with this golden mercenary. Master his regenerative prowess and bleed capabilities to maximize his potential in the contest.