Misty Knight

Misty Knight – The Cybernetic Enforcer Bringing Justice to the Contest

Champion Breakdown

About Misty Knight

Character Class: Skill

Brief Overview: Expert detective Misty Knight joins the Marvel Contest of Champions with her formidable background in law enforcement and a powerful cybernetic arm crafted by Tony Stark. She excels in dealing Coldsnap and Armor Break debuffs while balancing Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges to maximize her damage and control mechanics.

Misty Knight Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, Misty Knight is a seasoned NYPD detective who lost her arm but gained a high-tech replacement from Iron Man himself. Her character's inclusion adds a unique blend of raw strength and detective prowess to MCoC.

Lore Background

Misty Knight History: Misty Knight’s journey from a dedicated NYPD Bomb Squad officer to a hero with a cybernetic arm is both tragic and empowering. After losing her arm in the line of duty, Misty was gifted a powerful prosthesis by Tony Stark, enabling her to harness cryogenic energy and take down the most dangerous criminals. This transformation makes her a formidable force in Marvel Contest of Champions, defining her relentless pursuit of justice.

Personality Traits: Misty is determined, fearless, and resourceful. Her background as a detective and her no-nonsense attitude influence her direct and aggressive fighting style, leveraging her cybernetic arm to bring her version of justice.

Misty Knight's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Coldsnap, Armor Break, Precision, Purify, Evade

Basic Attacks and Moves: Misty Knight's basic attacks and moves are designed to build up her unique charges.

  • Light Attack Combo Ender: Gains 1 Anti-Metal Charge.

  • Medium Attack Combo Ender: Gains 1 Cryogenic Charge.

  • Heavy Attack: Increases the lower charge by 3 if there is a difference of at least 3 between her two Charges.

  • Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

    • Anti-Metal Charges: Adds a chance to Purify Debuffs.
    • Cryogenic Charges: Adds a chance to Evade attacks.
    • Equilibrium Buffs: Triggered when both Charges are balanced, granting Precision, Unblockable, and Bionic Overcharge.

Special Attacks:

  1. Metal Arm of the Law: Consumes all Anti-Metal Charges to increase attack rating. Becomes Unblockable with 6+ Charges and applies Armor Break with 9+ Charges.
  2. Freeze!: Consumes Cryogenic Charges to inflict Coldsnap and adds Frostbite Passives. Stuns the opponent if Coldsnap expires with 6+ Charges.
  3. Maximum Bionic Overcharge: Maxes both Charges, activating all Equilibrium effects and grants an Energize Buff for increased power rate.

Signature Ability: Background Investigation: Misty analyzes opponent classes for unique counter effects after a set investigation time. Effects range from Purifying all Debuffs to inflicting Disorient based on the class faced. Awakening this ability significantly boosts her tactical flexibility in battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Leverage Misty Knight’s charge mechanics to maintain equilibrium and activate her Equilibrium Buffs. Use Light and Medium combo enders effectively to balance charges and unleash powerful Special Attacks to maximize damage output.

Advanced Techniques: Focus on parrying and dodging to build charges quickly. Utilize Heavy attacks to balance uneven charges and maintain Equilibrium Buffs. Timing Special Attacks when her charges are high ensures maximum damage and utility.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Mastering the Parry and Dexterity abilities is crucial for Misty Knight. Efficient use of these skills not only builds charges but also activates bonuses and defensive maneuvers.

Team Composition: Misty Knight shines when paired with champions that benefit from armor and power gain synergies. Ideal teammates include Iron Fist, Captain America (Sam Wilson), and Elsa Bloodstone.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Knights in Shining Armor: Iron Fist, Iron Fist (Immortal), Captain America (Sam Wilson)
    • Benefits: Gain +60 Armor Rating and 3% Power Gain.
  2. All Rise: Daredevil, Daredevil (Hell’s Kitchen), She-Hulk
    • Benefits: Gain 5% Attack Rating.
  3. You’re Busted!: Elsa Bloodstone
    • Benefits: Misty Knight inflicts a Busted Debuff, increasing potency of Coldsnap by 50% for 16 seconds.
  4. Amazing Detectives Slash Geniuses: Human Torch
    • Benefits: Misty starts with an extra 2 Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges. Human Torch’s Special 2’s Stun duration increased by 33%.
  5. Heroes for Hire: (Coming Soon)
    • Benefits: Gain +85 Block Proficiency and Physical Resistance.
  6. Teammates: Black Panther, Luke Cage, Iron Man, War Machine
    • Benefits: Gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.

Countering Misty Knight

Counter Tactics: Focus on disrupting Misty’s charge building by not allowing her to parry or dodge easily. Champions with Coldsnap immunity can significantly reduce her damage potential.

Misty Knight Counters:

  1. Human Torch: His Incinerate abilities are immune to Misty's tactics and can deal significant damage over time.
  2. Iceman: Immune to Coldsnap, nullifying one of Misty’s strongest debuffs.
  3. Luke Cage: His indestructible abilities and high resistances can withstand Misty’s offensive.


Final Thoughts: Misty Knight brings a unique blend of tactical prowess and raw power with her cybernetic enhancements. Her ability to balance charges and leverage them for powerful effects makes her a versatile and formidable champion in MCoC.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the world of Misty Knight and experiment with her charge mechanics to find the best strategies and team compositions. Her skill set offers ample opportunities to develop unique playstyles and dominate the contest.