Red Skull

Red Skull – The Unstoppable Hydra Commander

Champion Breakdown

About Red Skull

Character Class: Tech

Brief Overview: Red Skull, an infamous villain and mastermind, is renowned for his cunning strategies and powerful Hydra armor. With a focus on Armor Up buffs, Power Drain, and Shock debuffs, he's a champion who can withstand tremendous damage while punishing his foes.

Red Skull Origin: Red Skull originates from Marvel Comics, where Johann Schmidt, better known as Red Skull, is the arch-nemesis of Captain America. Utilizing his genius intellect and sinister tactics, Red Skull wields the Cosmic Cube to dominate and control.

Lore Background

Red Skull History: Across Marvel Comics, Red Skull has defined himself as one of Captain America’s most relentless foes. After a meteoric rise through the Nazi ranks, he became the ultimate Hydra leader. His endeavors with the cosmic cube have consistently threatened global stability, reflecting his in-game penchant for manipulation and raw power.

Personality Traits: Red Skull is ruthless, highly intelligent, and manipulative. These traits manifest in MCoC through his complex gameplay mechanics that reward strategic play and resilience.

Red Skull's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Armor, Power Drain, Heal Block, Shock, Unstoppable, Auto-Block

Attacks and Moves:

  • Strengths:

    • Frequent and potent Armor Up buffs to mitigate incoming damage.
    • Reliable Heal Block, specially useful against champions reliant on Regeneration.
    • Powerful synergy with specials for devastating bursts of damage.
  • Weaknesses:

    • Champions with Armor Break abilities can counter his reliance on Armor Up buffs.
    • Limited effectiveness against Shock-immune or resistant opponents.

Light, Medium, and Heavy Attacks:

  • Light Attacks: Quick strikes that build towards specials.
  • Medium Attacks: Moderate damage with combo utility.
  • Heavy Attacks: Inflict a non-stacking Heal Block Debuff for 12 seconds, halting regeneration.


  • Passive Abilities:

    • Immune to Nullify, Fate Seal, and Stagger effects from Champions.
    • Against Mutants, Ability Accuracy is immutable.
    • Start each fight with 5 indefinite Armor Up Buffs, each increasing Armor Rating by 250.
    • Gain 1 Armor Up Buff whenever either champion fills a Bar of Power.
  • Active Abilities:

    • Overwhelming Presence: Each Armor Up Buff enhances Attack Rating, Critical Resistance, and Energy Resistance while reducing Opponent Stun Ability Accuracy.
    • Power Drain on Block: Blocking a Basic Attack consumes an Armor Up Buff to Power Drain 10% of the Opponent’s Max Power and deal Direct Damage per Armor Up Buff on Red Skull.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Transmit Force

    • On activation, gain an Auto-Block Passive for Basic Attacks for 3 seconds.
    • The first hit pauses all Shock Debuffs on the Opponent for 6 seconds.
    • Each hit deals a burst of Energy Damage, with additional damage if the opponent is Shocked.
  2. Special 2: Harness Power

    • On activation, gain an Unstoppable Buff for 2 seconds, plus additional time per Armor Up Buff.
    • Each hit inflicts a Shock Debuff, increasing in duration per Armor Up Buff.
  3. Special 3: Kneel Before Me!

    • Drain 100% of the Opponent’s Power.
    • Gain an Armor Up Buff for every 10% of Max Power Drained.

Signature Ability:

  • Cube Affinity: While charging a Heavy Attack, generate 7.5% Power per second and charge for an extended duration. Every 10th Basic Attack grants an Armor Up Buff. This significantly enhances his combat capabilities, making him more resilient and potent, especially in protracted battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Red Skull's Armor Up buffs to reduce incoming damage and maintain control over the fight with Power Drain and Shock debuffs. Prioritize building and maintaining these buffs to utilize his full skillset effectively.

Advanced Techniques:

  • Try to align the use of Heavy Attacks when the opponent is close to max power to maximize Power Drain and gain optimal Armor Up Buffs.
  • Use Special 2 strategically to ensure the Unstoppable buff lasts longer by accumulating more Armor Up Buffs.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Players should focus on mastering the timing for Red Skull’s Power Drain abilities and Heavy Attacks. Understanding enemy attack patterns and counter-timing is crucial for successful Auto-Blocking and maximizing Shock Debuffs.

Team Composition: Red Skull synergizes well with other Tech champions and characters who benefit from debuffs. Use him with champions who can further exploit Shock debuffs or provide additional Armor Up Buffs.

Synergy Bonuses:

  1. Eternal Adversaries:

    • With Captain America (WWII): Red Skull gains increased Perfect Block chance for each buff, while Captain America generates Fury Buff on Well-Timed Blocks.
  2. Dark Illuminati:

    • With Kingpin, Loki, Iron Patriot, and M.O.D.O.K.: All Villains gain an Armor boost.
  3. Hail Hydra!:

    • With Punisher 2099: Red Skull Heal Blocks opponents on intercept; Punisher 2099 has extended duration on key Debuffs.

Countering Red Skull

Counter Tactics: Utilize Armor Break champions to undermine Red Skull’s Armor Up Buffs. Shock-immune champions can also greatly diminish his offensive capabilities.

Red Skull Counters:

  1. Medusa: Her Armor Shatter nullifies Red Skull’s Armor Up buffs effectively.
  2. Doctor Doom: Doom’s passive Shock immunity and power control methods disrupt Red Skull’s gameplan.
  3. Corvus Glaive: His ability to Armor Break with Glaive charges counters Red Skull’s armor reliance.


Final Thoughts: Red Skull is a formidable tank and damage dealer, controlling fights through a combination of Armor Up and Power Drain mechanics. His strategic depth offers a rewarding experience for players who master his abilities.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players should explore different team combinations and experiment with timing and strategy to fully unleash Red Skull’s potential.

Unleash your tactical acumen and bring Hydra’s fearsome commander into your roster today!