
Toad – The Poisonous Acrobat of the Marvel Universe

Champion Breakdown

About Toad

Character Class: Mutant
Brief Overview: Meet Toad, the agile and slippery Mutant champion with unique abilities that revolve around his potent Paralytic Poison. With a toolkit that includes enhanced mobility, regeneration, and the ability to inflict continuous Poison damage, Toad dazzles players with his combat style that keeps opponents guessing. His resilient nature lends him an edge in intense battles.

Toad Origin: Toad, known as Mortimer Toynbee, hails from the rich tapestry of Marvel Comics. Originally a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Toad's inclusion in Marvel Contest of Champions brings his unique powers and storied history to the forefront of battle arenas.

Lore Background

Toad History: Growing up in an orphanage, Mortimer Toynbee faced rejection due to his unusual appearance and abilities. Rescued by Magneto during his early adulthood, he found purpose fighting alongside the Brotherhood. Toad's tragic backstory fuels his motives to prove himself in the mutant community and fight against the oppression of mutants.

Personality Traits: Toad is often depicted as mischievous and cunning, utilizing his agility and resourcefulness in fights. His determination to rise above his past instills a competitive spirit that reflects in his gameplay mechanics.

Toad's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Poison Immunity, Paralytic Poison, Stun, Regeneration, Prowess, Slow
Toad's attacks focus on applying persistent Poison Debuffs to his opponents, leading to devastating damage over time. His abilities rely on manipulating Paralytic Poisons to control the battle flow.

  • Light Attack: Quick, darting strikes that build towards Poison debuffs.
  • Medium Attack: Includes a swift tongue strike that inflicts Paralytic Poison if it connects.
  • Heavy Attack: Consumes Poison stacks to deal burst Physical damage.

Passive and Active Basic Abilities:

  • Poison Immunity: Standard immunity to Poison effects.
  • Paralytic Poison: Inflicts an enemy with debilitating Poison that reduces healing.
  • Regeneration: Regains health over time under certain conditions.
  • Prowess: Increases Special Attack damage with each Paralytic Poison Purified by the opponent.
  • Slow: Temporarily decreases opponent mobility.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Prehensile Poke - This attack provides Toad with Paralytic Secretion for a time, allowing him to set up for a powerful Special Attack.
  2. Special 2: Paralytic Whip - Deals significant burst Poison damage if the opponent is stunned, making it ideal for exploiting Stun effects.
  3. Special 3: Slippery Escape - Inflicts a potent Paralytic Poison Passive on the opponent, reinforcing Toad’s poison strategy.

Signature Ability:
Paralytic Resins - Toad gains a Passive Prowess that enhances Special Attack damage whenever a Stun or Poison is Purified. Once awakened, this ability amplifies Toad's damage potential significantly, especially when facing opponents that commonly Purify debuffs.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Toad’s speed and evasiveness to land quick hits while applying Poison damage. Keeping opponents under a stack of Paralytic Poisons will lead to advantageous openings for big attacks.

Advanced Techniques: Engage in quick combos that maximize the application of Poison stacks. Timing your heavy and intercepting your opponent with special abilities right after purifying their debuffs can yield impressive damage.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Maximize Toad’s unique abilities with Liquid Courage and Double Edge to take advantage of his Poison immunity while increasing his damage output. Despair pairs well with Toad's frequent application of Poison, making opponents' healing much less effective.

Team Composition: Toad synergizes well with characters that can capitalize on his Prowess effects, especially those that support aggressive playstyles.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • Brotherhood: With Sauron – Toad gains a Physical damage burst while Paralytic Secretion is active.
  • Lightning Rod: With Storm – Increases Crit Rating on special attacks when Paralytic Secretion is active.
  • Greasy Swamp Boys: With Man-Thing and King Groot – Boosts Poison Debuff potency significantly.
  • Truly Devoted: With Magneto – Toad gains Unstoppable and improves pressure on the opponent.
  • Toxic Love: With Scarlet Witch – Increases Combat Power Rate during Paralytic Secretion.
  • In My Nature: With ??? – Chance to inflict Disorient on Poison expiration, reducing enemy accuracy.

Countering Toad

Counter Tactics: Players should focus on keeping the fight away from corners, as Toad becomes significantly stronger there. Utilize champions with Heal Block abilities to minimize Toad's Regeneration, or Poison immune champions to negate his damage.

Toad Counters:

  1. Iron Man (Infinity War): Use Iron Man's power to incinerate Toad, avoiding the Poison effects entirely.
  2. Ant-Man: Exploit Ant-Man’s ability to deal with opponents who rely heavily on debuffs.


Final Thoughts: Toad is a unique and valuable champion in MCoC, with a dynamic playstyle centered around healing and Poison damage. His abilities make him a formidable opponent, capable of turning the tide of battle with effective strategy.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players are encouraged to explore Toad’s capabilities, experimenting with team compositions and tactics to unlock his full potential as a Poison-inflicting acrobat on the battlefield.