Vision (Aarkus)

Vision (Aarkus) – The Smoke-Summoning Sentinel of Power

Champion Breakdown

About Vision (Aarkus)

Character Class: Cosmic
Brief Overview: Meet Vision (Aarkus), an enigmatic alien law enforcement officer hailing from the dimension of Smokeworld. Aarkus possesses incredible abilities to manipulate gases, smoke, and cold, making him a formidable opponent in battle. His unique skill set allows him to control the flow of combat, delivering powerful debuffs while dishing out impressive damage.

Vision (Aarkus) Origin: Originating from Marvel Comics, Vision (Aarkus) is specifically crafted for Marvel Contest of Champions, adding dimension and intrigue to the game's roster while showcasing the diverse abilities that characters can wield.

Lore Background

Vision (Aarkus) History: Aarkus was a tranquil officer in the Smokeworld dimension until a scientific miscommunication brought him to Earth, leading him to embrace the role of a champion against crime. Through various encounters, he mastered his powers to bring justice, embodying the ideals of a protector—following the calling of a cosmic warrior.

Personality Traits: Aarkus displays traits of diligence, justice, and a calm demeanor, which reflect in his fighting style. He approaches battles with strategic foresight, utilizing his powers in a methodical manner that takes full advantage of his Armor Breaks and Coldsnap abilities.

Vision (Aarkus)'s Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Power Gain, Armor Break, Coldsnap, Fury
Strengths: High Power Gain and Armor Break damage potential
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to consistent Nullify effects and Armor Break immunity

  • Light Attacks: Quick, nimble strikes that build power, keeping foes at a distance.
  • Medium Attacks: Versatile attacks that can be used to maintain pressure on opponents.
  • Heavy Attacks: Slower, but devastating blows that can refresh debuffs and create openings.

Passive Abilities:

  • Power of Smokeworld: Gains Power Gain Buffs every 10 seconds, offering energy gain.
  • Power Drain Resistance: Reduces the duration and effectiveness of Power Drain effects by 80%.

Active Abilities:

  • Frozen Air: Causes opponents near Aarkus to gain an Armor Break debuff every 2.3 seconds, increasing their vulnerability significantly.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1 - Spiral of Smoke: Refreshes all Armor Break Debuffs on the opponent, dealing significant bonus Energy damage if the opponent is Armor Shattered.
  2. Special 2 - Blizzard Blast: Placing an Armor Shattered debuff for 5 seconds per Armor Break removed. Highly effective against robotic foes.
  3. Special 3 - Talk to the Hand: Expands the area of effect of his abilities for 20 seconds, boosting Attack Rating and allowing for relentless aggression without positioning concerns.

Signature Ability: Smoke and Mirrors
Vision (Aarkus) has a passive chance to Purify non-Damaging Debuffs on him. Activating this ability can turn the tide of battle by granting greater durability against debilitating status effects.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize Vision (Aarkus)’s Power Gains to maintain high Special Attack frequency while keeping opponents close to maximize Armor Break and Coldsnap effects.

Advanced Techniques: Successfully combine Armor Breaks with a calculated use of Coldsnap to cripple opponents’ defenses while building towards powerful Special Attacks.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on enhancing Aarkus's Furies and using Despair to suppress opponent regeneration, maximizing his offensive capabilities.

Team Composition: Team him with champions that offer synergy bonuses, particularly those enhancing Power Gain and damage output.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • First of his Name: Vision, Vision (Age of Ultron) - boosts ability accuracy and Power Gain against Tech champions.
  • Dry Ice: Iceman, Mysterio - extends buff durations for additional damage output and effectiveness.
  • Senior’s Discount: Black Widow (Claire Voyant), Old Man Logan, Captain America - reduces Special Attack costs.

Countering Vision (Aarkus)

Counter Tactics: To effectively counter Aarkus, keep your distance to avoid being affected by Armor Breaks and utilize champions with Nullify abilities to disrupt his buffs.

Vision (Aarkus) Counters:

  1. Doctor Strange: Control Aarkus’s Power Gains and disrupt his strategy through consistent Nullify effects.
  2. Symbiote Supreme: Uses power drains to keep Aarkus from gaining his essential Power Gain Buffs.


Final Thoughts: Vision (Aarkus) stands out as a defensive powerhouse and an offensive threat, making him a must-have for players who enjoy strategic gameplay. His unique abilities open up a dynamic style that can dominate in various situations.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into the extensive potential of Vision (Aarkus). Experiment with different strategies and team compositions to unlock this champion's true potential and see how he can shape the battlefield in your favor.