War Machine

War Machine – The Heavy Metal Avenger Rides Again

Champion Breakdown

About War Machine

Character Class: Tech
Brief Overview: Meet James “Rhodey” Rhodes, the formidable War Machine, known for his heavy artillery and steadfast alliance with Tony Stark. Armed with an impressive suit loaded with advanced weaponry, War Machine is not only a powerhouse but also a strategic team player ready to bolster his Tech allies with unique abilities.

War Machine Origin: War Machine debuted in Marvel Comics, firstly appearing in "Iron Man" #282, showcasing the legacy of Tony Stark’s tech genius as his best friend and ally. He has since become a staple hero in the Marvel universe, making his way into MCoC as a beloved character.

Lore Background

War Machine History: War Machine's path as a distinguished U.S. Air Force pilot took a turn when he adopted the persona of War Machine after being deeply influenced by Iron Man. His battles against infamous villains and participation in monumental events, like the Avengers and the Civil War, define his character and tactics in-game.

Personality Traits: War Machine reflects resilience, loyalty, and tactical wisdom. His personality drives his gameplay, which revolves around supporting teammates while dishing out powerful assaults on enemies.

War Machine's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Armor, Suppression, Rupture, Armor Break
War Machine excels at stacking debuffs on his enemies while providing buffs to his team. His basic moves center around rapid-fire mechanical attacks boasting a variety of effects.

  • Light Attack: Quick strikes with Arc reactors, delivering consistent damage.
  • Medium Attack: An explosive punch, creating moderate power with increased potential for debuffs.
  • Heavy Attack: A hefty blow that refreshes debuffs, perfect for intensifying his damage output.

Passive Abilities:

  • Armor Up: Starts each fight with an indefinite Armor Up buff, bolstering defense.
  • Persistent Charge: Begins fights with 2 Persistent Charges, usable in the pre-fight phase to enhance Tech allies.

Active Basic Abilities:

  • Armory Boosts: Grants temporary buffs to his allies, enhancing damage and survivability.

Special Attacks

  1. Special 1 - Blast Barrage: Unleashes a barrage of bullets, applying Suppression that reduces opponent's combat power. Each shot has a chance to inflict Rupture, dealing significant damage over time.
  2. Special 2 - Shoulder Artillery: Deals a heavy blow removing Armor Up buffs on opponents while stacking Armor Breaks, making enemies weaker.
  3. Special 3 - Heavy Ordnance: Delivers a stunning blow that increases War Machine's attack power significantly based on the number of Armor Breaks.

Signature Ability: Empty the Clip
When Rhodey’s health dips below 15%, he activates this ability, gaining substantial Fury and Regeneration. This ability means that having him awakened can be game-changing, especially in tough battles.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Utilize War Machine's debuffs strategically to manage the board. Keep stacking Armor Breaks while leveraging the Suppression from Special 1 to hinder opponents’ power gain.

Advanced Techniques: Master the timing of your Special 1 post-Heavy Attack for maximum debuffs. Building up Armor Breaks before executing a Special 3 can result in explosive damage output.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Focus on synergy with offensive and power-reducing masteries. For players looking to maximize his potential, make sure to leverage his strong debuff capabilities.

Team Composition: War Machine thrives with allies like Iron Man, who can complement his arsenal of debuffs and enhance overall team dynamics.

Synergy Bonuses

  • Support Enhancement: Silver Surfer, Gamora, Heimdall - Provides extra Cleanse Charges.
  • Fortify Enhancement: Hulkbuster, Guardian, Civil Warrior - Boosts Block Proficiency and Armor buffs.
  • Skirmish Enhancement: Falcon, Night Thrasher, Winter Soldier, Black Widow (Deadly Origin) - Increases potency of Rupture Debuffs.

Countering War Machine

Counter Tactics: Players should exploit War Machine’s dependency on Armor Breaks by using champions who can shrug off debuffs or maintain Armor Up effects.

War Machine Counters

  1. Vision: His ability to counter debuffs is crucial against War Machine's playstyle.
  2. Ant-Man: Focusing on evasion tactics can keep Ant-Man safely out of War Machine's firing range.
  3. Captain America: Utilize Captain America's defensive capabilities to absorb and mitigate damage from War Machine’s attacks effectively.


Final Thoughts: War Machine stands out not only for his impressive firepower but also for his ability to synergize with Tech teammates, making him an invaluable asset to any roster. His unique gameplay mechanics can turn the tide of battle.

Encouragement to Experiment: Dive into combat with War Machine to uncover diverse strategies and find your rhythm. His arsenal has the potential to surprise even the most seasoned players, enhancing your MCoC experience!