
Longshot – The Luck-Fueled Champion

Champion Breakdown

About Longshot

Character Class: Mystic

Brief Overview: Longshot, an Action Hero from the Mojoverse, harnesses the powers of Probability Manipulation and superhuman traits thanks to genetic enhancements by Arize. The pureness of his heart directly influences his power, making him a formidable opponent for inciting rebellion against the tyrant Mojo.

Longshot Origin: Longshot originates from Marvel Comics, specifically the Mojoverse, where he was created as a genetically enhanced being by Arize to fight against the malevolent Mojo.

Lore Background

Longshot History: Longshot was created by a rebel scientist named Arize in the Mojoverse, a dimension ruled by the tyrant Mojo. Enhanced with superhuman abilities and luck-based powers, Longshot became a symbol of rebellion and hope in the Mojoverse, challenging Mojo's oppressive regime.

Personality Traits: Longshot is brave, optimistic, and morally driven. His purity of heart not only defines his actions but also his powers, allowing him to manipulate luck in his favor and become an unpredictable and formidable champion in battles.

Longshot's Gameplay Mechanics

Basic Abilities: Karma, Pure of Heart, Incinerate, Fate Seal

Longshot's gameplay spans both offensive and defensive tactics. Building Good Karma unlocks powerful abilities in Special Attacks, while playing aggressively converts this Good Karma into Bad Karma on opponents for significant damage bursts.

Attacks and Moves:

  • Light Attacks: Quick strikes that build up Good Karma.
  • Medium Attacks: Moderate damage and a chance to increase Good Karma.
  • Heavy Attacks: Charge to gain Good Karma faster; each hit consumes Good Karma for higher impact.


  • Good Karma: Accumulates as Longshot is attacked or evades; max 5 stacks.
  • Bad Karma: Applied to opponents, correlated with Good Karma.
  • Pure of Heart: Activates with 5 stacks of Good Karma, enhancing Special Attacks.
  • Incinerate: Deals energy damage over time and disrupts opponents’ block proficiency.
  • Fate Seal: Nullifies all buffs on the opponent and deals explosive damage.

Special Attacks:

  1. Special 1: Final Cut

    • Converts 2 Good Karma into instant bankruptcy with high damage. If Pure of Heart is active, it inflicts 7 Instant Bleeds.
  2. Special 2: Workers Compensation

    • Final hit inflicts Incinerate, which nullifies buffs and detonates Bad Karma for massive damage. Enhanced when Pure of Heart is active, initiating Incinerate upon activation.
  3. Special 3: Comedy of Errors

    • A high-damage attack that stuns the opponent. If Pure of Heart is active, it gains bonus attack power proportional to Good Karma stacks.

Signature Ability: Fortune Favors the Lucky

  • 48% chance to nullify any buff and replace it with Bad Karma. Nullifying specific buffs like True Strike, Unstoppable, or Unblockable rewards Longshot with matching buffs, significantly enhancing his defensive and offensive tactics.

Strategy and Playstyle

General Strategy: Exploit Longshot's dual playstyle by balancing between building Good Karma defensively and converting it to Bad Karma offensively. Utilize his powerful Fate Seal to nullify opponent buffs and trigger massive damage from Bad Karma detonations.

Advanced Techniques: Mastering the timing of activating Pure of Heart and chaining Special Attacks can exponentially increase damage output. Precision in dodging and parrying to accumulate Good Karma while launching specials at strategic moments will maximize Longshot’s impact.

Mastery Tips

Skill Mastery: Invest in the Mystic Dispersion mastery to keep up Longshot’s Fate Seal consistently, boosting power gain and enabling frequent use of Special Attacks. Coupling with Cruelty and Petrify masteries will enhance his damage multiplier and control over opponents’ power rates.

Team Composition: Longshot performs well in flexible team setups with champions that benefit from or contribute buffs. Synergy with Mystic champions amplifies his abilities and allows him to fit seamlessly into various team compositions.

Synergy Bonuses:

  • Civil War Stories: Captain America (Infinity War), Captain America

    • Longshot starts fights with 5 Good Karma against Villain Champions.
    • Captain America (Infinity War) gains Kinetic Potential against Avengers or New Avengers.
    • Captain America's opponents suffer reduced power gain when Fatigued.
  • Mojoverse: Mojo

    • Longshot’s Special 1 inflicts Degeneration instead of Bleed when facing Bleed-immune opponents.
  • Love Triangles: Rogue

    • Longshot's Special 2 has a chance to inflict additional Incinerate per Bad Karma removed by Fate Seal.
    • Rogue deals Degeneration damage when stealing buffs.
  • Probably OP: Domino

    • Longshot's Pure of Heart lasts longer.
    • Domino gains power barring successful Stun periods.

Countering Longshot

Counter Tactics: Focus on inflicting Longshot with non-damaging debuffs to disrupt Good Karma accumulation. Champions that heavily stun or reduce his Special Attack chances are effective.

Longshot Counters:

  1. Doctor Doom: Control Longshot’s power and nullify his buffs efficiently, disrupting his ability to capitalize on Karma.
  2. Human Torch: Immune to Incinerate and can deal high burst damage throughout the fight.
  3. Archangel: Utilize Neurotoxin to shutdown Longshot’s abilities, preventing buildup of Karma and burst damage.


Final Thoughts: Longshot stands out as a versatile champion with unique mechanics tied to his Karma system. His abilities to manipulate probability and deal overwhelming damage through Karma make him a valuable asset in both offensive and defensive setups.

Encouragement to Experiment: Players are encouraged to experiment with Longshot’s unique abilities, finding personalized strategies to enhance both his survivability and damage output by mastering his balance of Good and Bad Karma.

Explore Longshot's potential, and let the luck-filled champ turn the tide of battle in your favor!