MCOC Act 8.2.3 WEAPON Exception XGene + DISARM Inflicting Debuffs + CAPTURE Intercept + Power Shield

30k Units

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WEAPON Exception X-Gene + DISARM Inflicting Debuffs + CAPTURE Intercept + Power Shield + Staggering Beauty

Pretty certain Sunspot can easily cheese this whole path… Havok did great as well but use a bit of everyone to try. Mutants with debuffs & big specials… Can have a lot of fun on this path. Sunspot also destroyed the Ronan boss easily with minimal chip damage from his perfect block with a WhMags + Odin.

0:00 Intro – Path Overview
1:23 Shang-Chi (Apoc)
3:24 iHulk (Sunspot)
5:34 Squirrel Girl (Cable)
7:57 Quake (Apoc)
10:14 Doom (Havok)
11:54 Misty Knight (Havok + Apoc + Cable)

Ronan Boss Nodes: Cosmic Avalanche + Rising Sun + Gimme Shelter + Be Like Water
18:20 Ronan (Sunspot)

Music by my bud LC:

Dance All Night Long by LC Music Tracks
Video Link:

#MCOC #MarvelContestOfChampions