MCOC Act 8.2.5 WEAPON Darkhold Pages + DISARM Intercept + CAPTURE Special 2 Knockdown + Combat Deja

30k Units

[timestamp links to all jump to any fight in path in description below! – click Show More]
WEAPON Darkhold Pages + DISARM Intercept + CAPTURE Special 2 Knockdown + Combat Deja vu Unblockable + Mystic Ward

Going with nullify immunes for this path and Overseer + Thing did plenty of work although some fights take a bit but pretty safe and effective particularly with the power sting synergy team which applies to all Science & Tech champions. Nimrod just easily eats thru the Kitty boss

0:00 Intro – Path Overview
1:20 Hulk (Overseer)
6:05 Scarlet Witch (Overseer)
9:00 Red Hulk (Overseer + Thing)
14:34 Annihilus (Thing)
17:44 Mordo (Thing)
20:11 Yellow Jacket (Thing)

Kitty Pryde Boss Nodes: Aggression Prowess + Oscillate + Quickspark + Hot & Bothered + Tech Ascendancy
22:36 Kitty Pryde (Nimrod)

Music by my bud LC:

Dance All Night Long by LC Music Tracks
Video Link:

#MCOC #MarvelContestOfChampions