MCOC: Act 8.3.5 – Star Asunder, Natural Armor, Mix master, Level headed – CGR vs Havok – 2023


#mcocnoob #ACT8.3.5 #act8 #BOOK2 #ACT3.5

Hey Guys, todays video is going to Act 8.3.5 – Star Asunder, Natural Armor, Hunter Sense, Mix master, Level headed – CGR vs Havok – 2023

00:00 Plan for Path
01:08 Rocket Racoon
02:36 Squirrel Girl
04:39 Psylocke
06:28 Captain Britain
08:26 Psycho-Man
10:32 Mysterio
12:02 Havok – BOSS

Thanks for tuning in guys. The focus will always be an easy guide with the least amount of units.
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