John Mulaney’s Champion Challenge – Chapter 2 Final Path and Boss – Marvel Contest of Champions


Bit more of a challenge than the previous ones, but my roster has also improved dramatically since then. Skip to 11:00 for the best fight, that Mysterio one was very nerve-wracking. Short summary of the run below:

-Used 3 level 1 revives, 3 level 2 revives and 3 level 4 potions for the entire thing
-Used one 30% attack/health boost, then one of each mid tier boost (15% attack, 20% health, 20% attack/health)

Archangel is highly recommended for this, along with Venom. Being able to nullify Howard the Duck makes him much easier, so someone like Symbiote Supreme, Claire Voyant, Sorcerer Supreme etc. Not everyone has access to a 3/45 six star Corvus, so you could maybe try Medusa, Hyperion or Vision Aarkus for Warlock. Seen some people bring Quake, Aegon, Ghost for this challenge also.

Mysterio was the toughest fight for me, he just non stops spams heavy attacks which can easily kill you if not prepared. Not sure what the ideal counter would be, but Nick Fury handled him well enough even with masochism.

Bring a strong evade counter for Spider-ham as if he evades once, you are likely dead due to the fatigue applying which power drains you and then triggers Langour, dealing direct damage at 0 power. Maybe possible to work around but I’d bring Venom, Nick fury or Spider-gwen/She Hulk if possible. I also didn’t really understand his abilities at the time as it was my first time fighting him so I do make a few mistakes like using a special while power stinged.